Chapter One

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"I'm running late, I'm running late, I'm running late"I run through my apartment in a hurry, mentally punching myself in the stomach for having too much sugar last night.

It makes me feel like I've been drinking for three hours straight.

Never celebrating getting an A on a test again.

Geez Adelaine you're 19 and sugar stuffing yourself knowing you have a job interview at seven in the morning...What a damn idiot.

I put my heels on in a hurry and check my outfit in the mirror.

Not too bad,black blazer with black pants, slightly oversized just the way I like it.

Thank God Maddy lend me her clothes for today,mine are a monstrosity.

Maddy's my best friend and my classmate,we go to college together and spend about fifteen hours a day together,I told her I had an interview last night when we celebrated my A and this morning I found this outfit packed in a bag with a note "I know you're poor and this is a well known company,no knee length brown dresses allowed".

Ouch but she's right,I was already prepared to put it on,I bought it when I started going to college,I don't really have money to spend on luxury and brand dresses,I also don't want to,I like my low budged style.

"It does feel nice to wear something expensive for a change,I better not get used to it,I don't even know how she was able to afford it"I speak to myself while sliding my hands down my stomach.

My mom's right,I should definitely gain some weight.

I shake the thoughts away and grab my bag, stuffing my keys and papers inside.

I can't believe I got an interview at the King Towers,I know people that were on the waiting list for longer than a year and still never got the chance to get past it, I'm one of the lucky ones.

"Okay,I can do this, I'm qualified, I'm smart and I'm dressed right,what could possibly go wrong?".

I double check the apartment one more time before walking out.

I had some luck with me and my car didn't die this morning like it usually does, I'm taking it as a sign that things will go well today and I might even get that assistant job I've been praying for for the past two weeks.

What would I do with my first paycheck? I would fix my car first since I need it everyday and the money I have left after would go in my bank account savings, the pay at the company is absolutely ridiculous,so many zeros I had to reread four times to make sure my eyes aren't playing me so if I end up getting hired I could pay all the bills and loans.

"Did I bring my resume? I'm sure it's in my bag somewhere"I reach inside my purse and just then my phone rings, startling me so much I swerved on the road.

"For the love of God I can't even drive"I pull my phone out and answer.


"Hello Adelaine,this is your professor, I'm calling about the test you did on Monday"My stomach drops and I feel my body sink into the seat.

"Y-yes what about it? I got an A on it right?".

"Ermm I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding"He says with an embarrassed voice and I step on the brake, stopping in the middle of the road.

"What do you mean there's been a misunderstanding? I've seen the results,you-you sent them".

"Miss Matthews calm down,your test results switched with one of the students,she got an A and you got a...D".

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