Chapter Forty-Nine

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A few years later...

"So where's dad?"Evander asks, I've been dodging that question for the longest time,I can't bring myself to explain it when every time I start,I feel my heart sink.

That day at the hospital haunts me more than the whole situationship we had, I didn't plug the machine out,he just left,he took his final breath while I was screaming my lungs out at the doctors, begging them to save him.Nasius showed up at that very moment and dragged me out of the room before I got the chance to say my final goodbye,I still think about it before bed.

I wasn't at his funeral,but I'm sitting by his grave every single day,it reminds me of the times I was visiting him in the hospital and updating him on everything,the difference now is he was actually breathing and close to me,now he's six feet under,I can't even hold his hand and kiss his cheek anymore.

Seems insane but I feel like he's somewhere hiding,his death still feels surreal to me,to this day I'm waiting for him to open the front door and call out my name, everyone says it's because I'm still grieving but I think It's going to happen soon,it has to,he would never break his promise.

"Mama? Hello? I asked you a question".

I blink and force a smile,he looks so much like Kingston it's insane,not one feature reminds me of Anastasia.

"At the graveyard baby, we will visit him again tomorrow".

"You're unfair,you promised to tell me the whole story"He pouts and crosses his arms defensively.

"I know I did, I also said I'll tell you the whole story when you're old enough,this is a heavy subject for an eight year old"I whisper the last part and feel my eyes stinging, it's really been eight years.

"Mama are you crying?"He cups my face with his little hands and stares at me in concern.

"I don't know why dad is always at the graveyard, he should be here comforting you and hugging you, but I promise I will be here until he gets back,he can't be there forever".

"It's okay baby, I'm alright".

"No you are not alright,but I will make sure you are happy until dad gets back,I made a promise,you told me promises should never be broken".

I smile and take his hands in mine."Yes promises should never be broken, which means your dad will be here soon because he promised me he would never leave me, don't pay attention to anyone that tells you differently,okay?"He nods.

"Alrighty mama,will you be fine now? I want to go play with Princess".

I give him a kiss on the cheek and run my fingers through his thick hair."I will be just fine, but I want you to take good care of your sister while I go call your grandma, I'll be right back".

"Deal"He gives me a quick hug and runs out of the living room.

Ah Kingston,why can't you be here to tell me it's going to be okay?

I grab my phone and dial Ariel's number,I check up on her at least two times a day since I think that her and I feel a different type of pain than others do,most of the family members hide their grieving and say <<Life goes on, he's in a better place now>> but we can't let it go so easily,we would feel selfish if we did.

Kingston's death,as expected knocked her down on her knees,like every caring mother she loved Kingston more than herself,she understood him when nobody else did and she didn't get a chance to say her goodbye,she couldn't bare to see him hooked on all those machines so she rarely visited him in the hospital,she mentions how much she regrets that everyday.

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