Chapter Twenty-One

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So you know when your day starts off well and then the second you pee and walk to the kitchen it somehow crashes so badly you find yourself wondering why you even bothered getting out of bed?

...Why did I even bother getting out of bed? Oh right, because I got pregnant by an uptight man and now I have to live with him so he has the full experience.. I hate this,I hate my life.

Deep breaths Adelaine,bad day doesn't mean a bad life, you're just having a minor setback, nothing new nothing major.

"I can't believe you got us arrested?"Maddy says and slams her hands on the metal bars.

"It's not my fault".

She turns around abruptly."Not your fault?! You broke the woman's windshield because she rolled her eyes at you".

I put my finger up stopping her."She rolled her eyes at me and kicked my tire, that was uncalled for,all I was doing was putting stuff in my car,she started it".

"Maybe but you didn't have to grab my bat and go wild with it,your pregnancy is high risk and you're sitting in a jail cell...What are we supposed to do now?".

I shrug my shoulders, the feeling of guilty slowly consuming me."I don't know, I'm sorry,I have no idea what came over me".

"There's nothing else left to do but call Kingston to bail us out".


I stand up and drag my feet towards the police officer.

"I need to make a phone call".

He pulls a out few coins out of his pocket."You can use the one in the cell, here"He slides his hand through the bars and drops them in my hand.

"Thank you".

"You're very welcome beautiful"My eyes widen as I stare at the coins, holding in my smile.

"Oh for the love of God,can you not hit on her and do your job? Perhaps... I'm the job".

I roll my eyes and walk to the phone jack, practicing my speech for Kingston.

Dear Kingston, I'm in jail but it's not my fault so don't kill me or yell at me.

No that's too much.

Dear Kingston, I'm screwed but this time not by you,come help me before they put me in real jail and I end up becoming a gang member to survive.

I slide the coins in and hold the phone against my ear, dialing his number with a shaky hand.

Don't pick up, don't pick up, don't pick up, don't pick up-

"What do you need Adelaine?".

He asks monotonously and I force an awkward giggle."You know.... It's kinda funny but I need your help".

"With what?".

"Well I'm in jail"I mumble in fear.

"YOU'RE WHAT?"He yells out and I close my eyes,his shout causing my ears to start ringing.

"I was putting stuff in the car and some random woman just came, kicked my tire and rolled her eyes at me so I smashed her windshield with a baseball bat"I lean against the wall while rubbing my belly, feeling a little lightheaded.

"Are you out of your mind? Why the hell would you to that knowing you're pregnant?".

"I'm usually not like that,I don't know why it made me so mad,can you just come pick us up? Maddy also got arrested for breaking her leg,it was by accident".

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