Chapter Twenty

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I stare at him in surprise for a few minutes before bursting out laughing."Good one,I would rather be homeless than let you take my baby from me,just because Evander's mother screwed up doesn't mean I will,I can take care of a child".

"I didn't say you would be a bad mother,I said I can't allow my child to live in filth".

"Did you forget what you told me yesterday? You obviously did"I say and his face softens,he looks at me with regretful eyes before dropping his head down shamefully, that look would always work on me and I would find myself forgiving people in the blink of an eye but for some reason I'm pissed that he thinks I'll let him take control.

Taking my child away from me just because I'm not living in a mansion and covering myself with money is beyond absurd,I will work ten jobs before I give my baby to him.

"Why are you bitching at me?".

"Bitching? You told me you'll get full custody over MY child that I carry in MY stomach".

He takes a step closer hoping he'll intimidate me."It's OUR child".

"It wasn't OUR child when I told you back st the office,it was filth"I say and suck in a deep breath,those words hurt to even repeat, it's horrible how someone can be so closed minded and harsh.

My words shut him up quickly and he sighs in defeat."Cat got your tongue now? You're not taking my child away from me just because I'm not living in a penthouse with fifty rooms and a beautiful view, I'm more than happy with my two bedroom apartment and my grocery store view"He stays silent as for me...I'm just getting started.

"I'm also not like Anastasia, I have a brain and I know how to use it,if you think I'm incapable of taking care of a little baby think again"I spit out and tighten the blanket around me, forcing a smile for Evander.

He's so cute and little,I don't want all this to impact him, believe it or not babies sense bad energy and stress happening around them,many think they're completely clueless but they're much smarter than some people I know.

"Alright fine, we'll have split custody but under one condition".

Here he comes with the conditions.

I sit up straight and fold my leg under myself comfortably, preparing for whatever bullshit he came up with.

"I'm listening".

"I won't take the child and we'll have spilt custody only if you agree to live with me untill he or she is born,I wasn't present when Anastasia was pregnant because she didn't allow me,I want to experience everything this time".

For God's sake,in the same house as a man that called my baby filth?

He stares at me in anticipation,if I didn't know better I would say he's scared of what's about to come out of my mouth.

I do want him to come to all appointments with me and do everything else but only because it's healthy for the baby,I might hate him but I won't let it affect this pregnancy, it's going to be a hard task but if we work together we can pull it off.

Of course you're backing away and going soft on people again Adelaine,nice going.

He does look determined and responsible,but then again I can't just leave Maddy here by herself,and also I can't stand the fact that I'll have to live under the same roof as him,no privacy at all.

"Don't think about our situation right now, think about what's best for this pregnancy, I'll handle the money part and all I want you to do is include me in everything"I raise my eyebrow.

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