Chapter Thirty-Four

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This is the first time in two weeks that I woke up feeling refreshed and relaxed, that little yet overwhelming feeling inside my chest completely disappeared and was replaced with nothing but calmness,is it because Kingston was sleeping next to me? Possibly, having someone cuddle you and hug you the whole night definitely brings comfort,but I don't think that's the reason I feel so rested...Or is it?

I couldn't tell you,all I know is that I slept like a baby and didn't even get up to pee like I usually do, I only woke up once because Evander was crying but Kingston took care of it and I fell asleep before he came back.

Is the fort still here? Yes, I was laying inside it with Evander, Kingston went to work and texted me around 10 saying he had some problems to take care of and that I should do nothing but rest today,I told him I will but I'm planning on going to the office to see him and a few girls I stayed in touch with after leaving,by a few I mean only two that didn't bother texting me all this time but I don't take them for granted, they're probably busier than I am.

"See? Your outfit looks amazing, you were crying for no reason sunshine"I tickle his stomach before picking him up.

"I love you so so much,I sometimes feel like you're my son, I know that's impossible but for as long as I'm here I'll treat you like you're mine,you didn't deserve to be reject by that mean woman,you deserve all the love in this world "I whisper, staring at him with downcast eyes.

He might be little but he won't stay little forever, having your own mother rejecting you is a hard pill to swallow,I can't even begin to imagine how he'll feel when he becomes aware of it.

He gives me his innocent, toothless smile and I giggle at it."You have no idea what I'm saying, maybe it's better that way now let's call our friend Maddy and ask her if she wants to join us".

I grab my phone from the vanity and sit on the rocking chair."It's noon,she should be up by now"I press her contact name and to my surprise it goes straight to voicemail.


"Umm hi Maddy,I was calling to ask if you want to go to the office with me but it sent me straight to voicemail, I'll wait a few more minutes for you to call back but if you don't I'll just go with Evander,I would come down to your apartment but I don't want to bother you, call me back, love you"I leave her a message and put my phone down.

"Just when I thought today will be stress free"I sigh heavily and look at Evander laying on my lap."Maybe she found a job she forgot to tell me about?"He arches his little eyebrow at me.

"You're right that makes no sense, where could she be then?"I look out the window deep in thought."Maybe she had a doctors appointment? I'm sure she'll call us later and tell us why she didn't answer but we can't wait for her,you know how slow she can be".

I pick him up and hold him against my side."Let's go make you your bottle and then we can go".

We walk out of his room and head to the kitchen, I'll try calling her back when I arrive at the office, hopefully she'll pick up then.


I pace around the office with my hands in my pockets,a deep frown plastered on my face as I scoff every five seconds,the three extremely emotionally reactive goblins that couldn't control themselves sitting on the couch across me.

"You three got me into deep problems, what the hell is the matter with you?!".

"Me?! You told me to rid of them, they started it first"Maddy says while glaring at Cece.

"I told you to call security Maddy,I said call security because Adelaine already told me how you like to handle people with your so called Missouri skills"She rolls her eyes and leans back.

"They wouldn't do anything except kick them out and these two need to be taught a lesson-".

I groan angrily and rest my palms on my desk, glaring at all three of them with the look of disgust on my face ."Look at yourselves, and you call yourself women?".

"Oh give me a break, Adelaine isn't the most important person on the planet and you're exaggerating"Cece utters with an eye roll.

"Did I ask you anything? In my world she is the most important person and if she finds out all three of you got arrested for assault with a weapon she's going to freak out at me".

Anastasia shrugs while biting her bleeding lip.

The only person that looks untouched is Maddy,when I pulled her out of jail this morning she made me stop at a the bakery so she can buy herself a donut for breakfast,the other two look like they got ran over by a motorcycle gang, Anastasia is missing a front tooth and Cece has half of her eyebrow waxed off.

Looks like Missouri skills are no joke.

"The so called weapon was a Prada bag and Louis Vuitton heels"Maddy adds and looks at the bag beside her.

"It's a very good weapon if I might add"She smiles evilly while trailing her fingers down the black leather.

"Enough with that,tell me what were you freaking out about over the phone"I ask and sit back with my arms crossed.

"She said she came here to talk to Adelaine about the will Svetlana left behind, according to this worm here our precious sweetheart got both of the houses and the barn"She speaks smugly, rubbing it in Cece's face.

"But I'm not giving as little as a nickel to her,not after her little puppy here attacked me and my friend and you're expecting-".

"You will be giving the houses because it's already signed,you can't do anything to take it from Adelaine"I cut her off sternly,she just smiles and bites her swollen lip.

"Adelaine is living a perfectly good life here with you,she doesn't need the money or the houses".

"You know damn well she wants her own restaurant,stop being difficult and give me the number of the lawyer that informed you about all this".

"No, that was my plan before coming here but when this cow attacked me-".

"COW?!"Maddy screeches with an arched eyebrow.

"I'll show you cow, you plastic two faced-"Maddy throws her bag on the floor before grabbing a handful of Cece's hair, pulling her on her feet then slamming her head against the wall.

For the love of God.

I look at Anastasia and she looks at me."Why the hell are you friends with her and how did it happen?"I ask, ignoring the screaming and fighting happening just a few inches away from me.

"We met at the nail salon a few weeks ago,she was there with her mom and-".

"Her mom?"I straighten up in my seat and look at her puzzled.

So she didn't answer the calls because she was here the whole time? Was she in the hospital when Svetlana died so suddenly?..Did she plug the machine out?

I stand up and take a deep breath before shouting."MADDY GET OFF HER,SHE IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR SVETLANA'S DEATH"Maddy stops mid punch and looks at me in shock.


I look towards the door and spot Adelaine standing there limply, looking at Cece with teary eyes,my mom and Prince right behind her looking at me in disturbance.

"C...Cece you killed our mom?".

Cece sits up and shakes her head aggressively."WHAT? NO I WOULD NEVER".



"YOU KILLED MOM"She yells out and bursts into tears, Prince shoots me a glare and wraps his arms around her waist supportively,slowly walking backwards and pulling her with him.

I frown and look down,my blood running cold at the sight in front of me.


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