Chapter Forty -Two

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"I'm not getting a divorce,I don't want to get a divorce".

Those words keep replaying in my head like a broken record, I can't believe she said that so calmly,she even stayed in the house with him instead of being here with me,where she actually belongs,I should have known Nasius is just as bad as Prince,both of them love to meddle in my business and take everything I love away from me,hell I set a trap for myself as well,I thought a vulnerable hormonal woman wouldn't get so attached to a man that resembles the person she got her heart broken by.

She's not into him because he's him, she's into him because he looks and acts like me, she's too mad at the world to see that she's holding onto that marriage because it's her comfort, it's something that kept her connected to me.

Kingston,only person you should blame is yourself,you broke an innocent woman's heart and now you're playing victim, talking to yourself like an insane painter that's about to paint his last picture ever,but instead of expressing my frustrations on a canvas I'll jump off the bridge.

I don't want to get a divorce...

After she said that I wanted to snap at everybody in the room, knock some sense into those two but I was able to contain myself and just nod slowly,if I reacted the ''right way'' she would start hating me even more, and that's something I don't need right now,if anything I want her to love me back,or at least admit that she still does, it's impossible that what she felt for me disappeared so quickly,if I feel it she definitely feels it too.

For the love of God.

What am I going to do?

I feel like my life is falling apart and I'm losing my sanity,what happened to that successful businessman I was months ago? He became nothing.

I drove to the nearest gas station to drink my sorrow away like I've gone through five divorces and three affairs,one bottle after another not even letting my body process what is happening,it wasn't the alcohol I would usually go for, I hit rock bottom so hard I don't even care if the things I consume are well made and expensive.

Cough medicine, that's all these people had,a very disgusting but strong cough medicine, apparently there's some sort of a substance inside that's close to the real alcohol,I got no damn idea.

Way to go Kingston,way to go.

For now it's just me,this disgusting... Whatever it is and the gas station against the world.


I look at the people passing by, both of them eyeing me like I'm a weirdo.

They look like a couple, around the age of 28 with stable jobs and probably a two bedroom apartment downtown, typical pathetic life of typical pathetic people.

"What are you looking at? Can't a man sit on the sidewalk and drink...Damn what am I drinking again?"I look at the bottle and frown."Drink cough medicine...".

They stare at me for a few seconds before shaking their heads and walking away.

"YEAH YEAH SHAKE THOSE EMPTY SKULLS ALL YOU WANT, HE'S CHEATING ON YOU WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND"I scream at the woman and take another swing,the bitterness tasting like absolute trash.

"I wasted $50 dollars for nothing".

"I wouldn't say it's for nothing,you actually made a fool of yourself"I choke on the last gulp and cough aggressively.


I follow the sound of the voice and spot Adelaine leaning against my car,her hands wrapped protectively around her stomach.

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