Chapter Twenty-Four

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My damn arm hurts,he shoved it off his lap too roughly and left a bruise on my wrist from the grab,I can't tell if it's because he was very aggressive or because I bruise easily, whatever it is it buzzed my sleep off and left me staring at the ceiling.

This arrangement was all his idea and yet he doesn't make any effort to be here or ask me how I am, that should be part of his whole experience thing,to know how I'm feeling, I'm spending my days alone like my child doesn't even have a dad,I hate every second of it.

This is the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life,my first pregnancy wasn't supposed to be outside of marriage,with my boss,with someone that wouldn't care if I walked out of this penthouse and never looked back.

I guess you learn from your mistakes.

I turn to the side and look at Evander, he's so small and cute,his little chest rising up and down as he breathes steadily,you could never tell he's a mix of Anastasia and...Him.

Let's just pray you turn out to be like your grandma,if not she will teach you a thing or two about manners and politeness when you grow up,maybe it'll work on you better than it did on your dad.

I put my finger in his hand and he grips it, making my heart flutter.

Goodness they're so beautiful when they're little.

I close my eyes and suddenly hear the door opening, there's only one person in the apartment that opens the door like there are no children sleeping and it's the silly man himself.

Maybe if I pretend I'm sleeping he'll leave me alone and go back to the hole he crawled out of.

I keep my eyes closed and listen to his footsteps approaching the bed.

What if it's not him? What if it's someone else and I'm here fake sleeping?

"Idiot is hogging the blanket"He murmurs under his breath.

Nope, definitely him.

The bed sinks slightly as he lays on the other side.

I hear him grunt before pushing my finger away from Evander's hand.

Jelaous Grinch.

My eyes fly open and I frown at him"Why would you do that?".

"It's my  kid"He whispers rudely and scoots Evander closer to his chest.

"You genius, you'll wake him up".

He gives me a stern glare and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Very mature".

"Indeed,look what you did to my hand".

He looks at my hand and his face softens, his eyes showing regret that he quickly covers with an eye roll."You're being dramatic,just go to sleep already".

He throws the blanket over his body and lays down, putting his hand on Evander's legs.

He's acting like the I did something to him,I haven't left the room in hours.

"Go to sleep and stop staring at me"He spits out.

I scoff and roll to the other side,my back facing him.

Just eight more months and I can leave this place with my baby,I can survive his rudeness and the bickering, right?


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