Chapter Forty-Eight

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Another month has passed,he is still in that hospital bed.

I'm visiting him everyday with Evander and Princess, telling him how much they miss him and want him to wake up,every single day I'm hoping he listens and opens his eyes,but sadly I'm losing hope.

The doctors lost it a long time ago,only thing keeping him here are the wires he's connected to,at this point the machine is breathing for him,I had no idea it was that bad until a month ago they tried to convince me to plug it out,both the doctor and Nasius,I was told I'm being too selfish for keeping him alive for this long and I'm starting to think it's true but I'm not ready to let go yet, I'm still hoping for a miracle.

Right now I'm sitting next to his bed,the hospital doesn't usually allow visiting after six but they were nice enough to let me spend the night and sleep on the couch,I think the only people that truly understand me are the nurses,they see how much I'm suffering as the days go by so they're being understanding and comforting.

"Kingston...It's been so long,are you ready to wake up? I know you can hear me baby,can you please wake up for me?".


"I've been visiting you two times a day,one with kids and one when I'm having a break from work,did I mention your father allowed me to take over your company? Yeah,both him and your mom are taking care of me as much as they can, they taught me everything about the family business in just a week...I'm always at your office, I saw my old files with Hello Kitty stickers"I small smile forms on my face as I remember our first encounter.

"Will you wake up and tell me I'm not doing my job right? I know I hated it before but now I would give anything in the world to hear it again"I press his hand against my cheek,gently caressing his fingers with my thumb.

"Please wake up, Princess and Evander are waiting for us to take them to the park,we have to read them bedtime stories,we didn't even get a chance to get to know each other better, we started off on the wrong foot and now look at us, I'm miserable and you don't even know I'm here".

"Evander saw your picture on my phone and started smiling at the screen last night,you should have seen it,it was so cute".

I stare at his face sadly, feeling a tear slide down my cheek."I'm going to have to plug the machine out aren't I?"I ask, hoping he answers.

He is never going to wake up...

"I don't want to do it,I want you to wake up and be with us but they're telling me it's impossible, I'm starting to believe them"I whisper and kiss his knuckle.

"I swear on our children's lives I will never move on,I will never let another man touch me like you touched me,I don't want to hear <<I love you>> from anyone but you Kingston,I love you so much and I promise you'll be my last".

I stand up and lean closer to his face, planting a kiss on his cheek before looking at the machine beside him, anxiety setting in just by the thought of pulling the cord out.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so so sorry,I hope you'll forgive me, I never wanted it to end like this,I had so much hope for a long time but now I'm realizing it's indeed selfish of me to keep you here".

I walk around the bed and step next to the beeping machine,my heart pounding inside my chest.

"I feel like you're suffering, stuck here unable to do anything,I want to end your pain, by ending yours I know I'll add to mine but if that's what it takes for you to finally be at peace I'm willing to do it".

I look back at him again, ending his life is so easy to do but so hard at the same time,I can just turn the machine off and he's gone,but I don't want to,I want him to keep fighting even though I lost hope,I want him to be here for our kids,how will I explain to them that I had no choice? They wouldn't understand me.

"Baby? Last chance for you to open your eyes and call me duchess...Come on,I know you can hear me"I put my hand on the button and stare at him in anticipation.

"Come on baby please,I really don't want to do it, show me how strong you are and open your eyes,at least for a little bit,show me there's still hope, say something".


"Is this really it? You're gonna leave me here all alone with two babies?".


I swallow the lump in my throat and look at the machine anxiously,It feels like I'm killing him but he's been dead all along,even the doctors told us there's nothing they can do to get him out of his state,they plugged him onto the machine knowing that's the only thing separating him from...I can't even bring myself to say it.

I wipe my tears with my sleeve and feel my legs weaken under me."Final chance...Will you open your eyes for me?".

I wait in anticipation,but nothing happens.

"Damnit Kingston! You're seriously going to leave me all alone in this cruel world?! You can't do that! You promised me you would be here for me and the kids,get up and tell me you love me-"The machine starts beeping and I feel my blood run cold.


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