Chapter Six

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"You're offering me a drive home?"I ask in surprise,he looks at me awkwardly before forcing a cough.

"No, I'm asking if you have a car to drive you home, don't be ridiculous".

"Oh,yes I do have a car to drive me home thank you for asking sir".

"You don't look capable of driving a car"He spits out and I frown.

"Just because I put Hello Kitty stickers on your binder doesn't mean I'm incapable of performing such an easy act, don't be ridiculous sir".

"No not because of these ugly things,but because you're clumsy and slow,it took you the whole day to organize a few papers".

"A few? I repeat with my eyes bulging out.

"There is exactly 185 documents,double sided and I had to read before organizing".

"That would take me twenty minutes,you took longer than an hour, I'm disappointed but I'm letting it slide because I had a hard day".

How hard must it be to sit on a chair and eat from the most expensive restaurants every single day.

I bite my tongue and swing my bag over my shoulder.

"Well sir I apologize,I promise I'll do better tommorow,good night and enjoy".

I storm out of the office and run to the elevator ,pressing the button aggressively.

If it's so easy to organize why didn't you do it yourself? You imbecile,I can't believe I did all that hard work for him and he shames me like I'm the worst worker in the building.

Just because he's attractive and has good hair doesn't give him the right to act the way he does,this just proves rich people think they're better than anyone else.

He's not even attractive,okay maybe a little...Okay he was blessed with amazing looks but still doesn't give him right to think he's something special and brilliant.

The elevator doors open and I rush in,of course he appears out of nowhere and walks in, standing next to me.

I clear my throat awkwardly and take my phone out, opening a message from Maddy.

"Just so you know I'm at the bar and I'm waiting for you, they got new cupcakes".

I reply to her and put the phone back in my bag.

"I want you here at five tomorrow"He speaks calmly but sternly.

"At five? At five in the morning? But my shift starts at seven".

"Your shift starts when I say it does,at it's at five".

"But why?".

"I have meetings early in the morning and I want to see how well you'll do without me here, after the meetings I'm going somewhere and leaving you in charge"My neck snaps in his direction and I drop my bag on the floor.

"I'm sorry,what? You're leaving who?".

"You and you dropped your thing on the floor".

"Why are you leaving me in charge? I just got here last week and it's my first day today, shouldn't you get someone experienced?"He fixes his tie and looks at me.

"I want to see you break duchess, you can't be capable of running a company alone".

"So you're willing to sabotage your business just to see me have a mental breakdown and quit my job"He takes a second to think before nodding.

"I regret hiring you,I took a few minutes to think about it and I don't want you to be my assistant but unfortunately I can't fire you before you get your first paycheck, which is in a month so you either mess up badly or you quit, that's how I'll be able to get rid of you".

The doors open and he steps out,I grab my bag and rush after him confused.

"Hold on,why did you change your mind? You said you liked my answers at the interview".

"I also found you ugly,now I'm not so sure about all of that".

"You're waiting for me to make a mistake so you fire me because you find me attractive and it's distracting you from work?".

He stops and looks at me coldly.

"Precisely,I need an ugly assistant, someone I don't constantly think about during meetings, I thought it was you but I was wrong"I raise my eyebrow in surprise,blush creeping on my face.

"Well I can't afford to lose this job,the pay is amazing and I need the money, you're going to have to ignore me until I quit".

"Or I wait until tomorrow because you'll surely make some kind of a mistake,no doubt in that".

I look at him offended."I wouldn't be so sure about that,when I want something I get it and I work hard,you have bigger chances of seeing cows falling from the sky than seeing me making a mistake".

He smirks and takes a step closer to me."I that so duchess?".

"Yes it is,I don't care what you want to do with me,I don't want you I want your money,it might sound absurd but that's why I'm here,I apologize if my presence distracts you but I don't give a-".

I stop and suck in a deep breath, surprised by the words getting out of my mouth.

"Damn duchess,you sure got a loud mouth,is that how you talked to your former bosses?".

"No,they weren't telling me I'm distracting them"I answer quickly and he chuckles.

"An idea rang my mind just now,and I think you're gonna like it,you won't get fired or swamped with work everyday".

"You planned to make me overwork myself until I can't take it anymore?"He nods without hesitation.

What a piece of work he is.

"You work well under pressure but everyone snaps at some point,I was prepared to drive you off the edge".

"All that because you can't have an attractive assistant, you should have hired a man then".

"Are you going to hear the idea or will you continue rambling?"He cuts me off and I press my lips together.

"Go on"He nods and and clears his throat,his lips suddenly forming into a devilish smirk.

"Be with me".

The Devil's Duchess Where stories live. Discover now