Chapter Thirty-One

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Two weeks later.

Svetlana's funeral was a week ago, how did it go? Horrible as expected, Adelaine cried her eyes out all day and night,she didn't eat, drink or sleep,she just sat on the balcony floor and sobbed for hours,I was there by her side of course but I couldn't do anything to make her feel better which fricking killed me on the inside.

She finally agreed to eat a full meal today after days of starving herself,she tried so hard to eat at least a little bit because of the baby but she was mostly on vitamins and water,I can see she's trying to pull herself together but it's not working, she's rushing the process.

I had Maddy come stay with us because I feared going to work,I didn't want anything happening to her while I was away,I don't think I would ever recover knowing I could have prevented it.

Today she had another doctor's appointment where we discussed her current state,the doctor understands why she's acting like this and told me I should be extra careful around her until she gets better,I have to keep reminding her she's carrying a child that depends on her and that no matter how shitty she feels that feeling will pass.

The baby is doing good and it's developing nicely,I was glad to see that at least that put a smile on her face today.

After we were done with the appointment I talked her into going for a walk around the park with me, she's been suffocating in the penthouse for long enough, this girl's skin complexion is paler than it ever was and I'm afraid someone will think she's a new species that escaped the laboratory or worse, that I'm holding her hostage.

"Duchess?"She stops walking and looks at me tiredly, waiting for me to continue.

"How are you duchess?".

Her chin quivers and she takes a deep breath."I'm okay".

I shake my head and pull her in a hug."Stop it Adelaine, don't lie, you're not okay and it's time you admit it, admitting it is half the recovery".

"It's normal to grieve".

"Yes it is but it's not normal to stare at the floor ten hours a day"She pulls away and looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"I miss her,she messed up a lot of things but I really miss her,not even sis came to the funeral,do you have any idea how horrible that makes me feel? I feel alone".

"You have me,Maddy and Evander".

She drops down on the bench and crosses her arms."I still feel alone,I have a sister and it feels like I don't,my own blood doesn't give a damn about me or mom's death, it's just unfair".

I sit beside her and look at the kids playing on the swings."I get that,I really do but you can't keep living like this, break that cycle your family made and take care of your own family,the one you're making with me"She looks at me slightly surprised.

"With you?".

"Yes, I know you don't like me but I promise you you will, I'll try my best to make it happen".

"Why are you so eager-I mean what changed?"I sigh and take her hand, giving it a light squeeze.

"I don't know, you're carrying my child,we slept with each other,you gave me Tachycardia with how perfect you are and I just want to take care of you, hold you and be with you,in the beginning I thought I was just bored so I spent my days with you for fun but it turned out to be more than that,I want the whole you".

I kiss the top of her hand and look at her pleadingly."I'm usually a confusing man that changes his mind fifty times a day but I have never changed my mind when it came to you".

She smiles and scoots closer to me."So that's why you were so caring for the past two weeks?".

"I wouldn't be a good person if I left you to suffer now would I? Even if I didn't like you I would have helped you,if you were the worst human being on this planet I would have helped, you should never stop being a good person because of bad people duchess"She blinks in amusement,like she never expected those words to come out of my mouth.

"Wow that's...Oddly impressive,I never knew you were so good with words"I chuckle."I don't know if you noticed but I read a lot, knowing these kind of stuff makes me feel like I'm not that bad of a person".

She frowns and shakes her head in disagreement."You're not a bad person, who told you that?".

"I don't have to be told duchess,my reflection and my words say enough but let's not talk about that right now,look at the sky"I point at the clouds hoping she'll brush the topic off.

"It's very pretty,I didn't see much of it when I was on the balcony,it was always raining"She says and smiles while admiring the colors spread across the sky.

I look at her and feel my tachycardia right away, I'm not even phased about it anymore,if anything I would be worried if I didn't get it when I looked at her.

I'm admiring her admiring clouds...She's so pretty,life with her would be like having an entire golden empire, it's better than that,life with her would be priceless and perfect.

"My dad and I used to watch the sky together,we would look for funny shaped clouds and take pictures of them"She says and smiles, her eyes distant as she travels down the memory lane.

She looks at peace now, remembering the good times she had with him must be like therapy to her.

I would give all my wealth away in exchange for happiness, her happiness,I don't want to see her sad and heartbroken anymore,even if it means that I'm the one that will be miserable.

I look at the sky and arch my eyebrows in surprise when I see two face shaped clouds,both pink and next to each other, if you focus well enough they look like a man and a woman kissing.

I grip her knee slightly and she looks at me blankly."You said you loved watching the sky with your dad?"She nods.

I smile and point at the clouds."It's your mom and dad watching your back duchess".

Probably not but I would tell a million and one lie if it would make her feel happier.

She follows my finger and looks at the clouds in surprise."It's looks like two faces,it looks so... Real"She says amazed.

"It's your mom and dad,take a picture"I pull my phone out and hand it to her.

"See? You're not alone, they came to let you know they're finally together and watching over you".

Tears fill her eyes as she stares at the sky in awe,a happy look spread across her face."It even looks like them"She laughs happily and takes a picture.

"You're never alone remember that"I rub her leg and she looks at me in odd relief,her eyes not as dark as they used to be."Kingston?".


"I don't know what just happened but I appreciate it so much, and your words too... You proved yourself enough,I want to try and be with you,for real this time".

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