Chapter Seventeen

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It's been a week since I fired her over the phone,her things are still in the office and she stopped answering my phone calls, sensitive woman.

I tried calling her to let her know I'll be dumping her stuff in the dumpster because they're taking up space and the new assistant I hired can't settle in but it's pointless, she's ignoring me like I did something horrible to her.

Yes I hired a new assistant, there's no time to waste and obviously I have to move on and continue with my life like she never even existed,if I'm being honest I'm barely noticing her absence.

The new assistant Maya isn't like Adelaine, she's always late for work, she rarely understands my requests and she's dressed like she's going straight to the club after her shift,I don't like it and I don't condone it but I'm too occupied to look for a better one.

I don't think they can do the job as good as Adelaine.

Not that I care,I don't,at all.

"Sir?"I look up and immediately frown when I see my assistant walking in.

Interesting work attire I must admit, tight red dress with a small white blazer barely covering her,she might as well show up naked next time.

I lower my gaze and clear my throat,it feels wrong to look at her for some reason, it's making me feel shame.

She puts a bunch of papers on my desk, bending down and allowing her cleavage to stick out.

"I called your father like you asked and I made the doctors appointment but when I called they said someone named Adelaine already scheduled it".

She made that appointment last week,she was so happy that day...Then she had to ruin it.

"Oh and the coffee you wanted? Every morning a guy comes here and gives it to me,I don't even have to call"She says and chuckles.

A delivery boy? Adelaine probably arranged it when I gave her the schedule so she didn't have to drive all the way to the coffee shop,that girl thought of everything.

"That's fine,next time he comes here tell him he doesn't have to do it anymore, you're going to get the coffee yourself from now on".

Her smile fades and she looks at my desk,the Hello Kitty stickers on my binders catching her eyes.

"What's that?".

"Hello Kitty stickers"I answer and turn my laptop on.

I hate to admit how helpful these stickers are,I always end up losing papers and binders because I don't care about keeping them close or looking at them but this way I spot them in a second and I feel the urge to flip through them,her strategy is so incredible I feel slightly pissed that I never thought of it.

She reaches to take the binder with an awkward smile on her face.

"Why do you have them on important documents? I'll remove t-"I grab her wrist and she flinches in surprise.

"Don't touch them,get out and start doing your job,ever since I hired you you've been walking around like you own the place"She furrows her eyebrows and pulls her hand off my grasp.

"Excuse me? I've been working non stop-".

"You take seven coffee breaks and you're not following the schedule I gave you when I hired you"I tell her off while typing on the laptop.

She scoffs and stomps her foot on the ground,like a toddler.

I ignore her and open my emails, since this pathetic idiot doesn't know how to respond to them I have to do it.

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