Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Monday came quickly and so did my gynecologist appointment, today we're checking to see if the baby is doing well and how long until the risk of miscarriage goes down, Kingston and Evander wanted to come with me to make sure I wasn't lying about what the doctor tells me because Maddy told Kingston about the lies I would tell her and he didn't want to risk it.

I lie for a good cause,they would run around me like servants if I told the truth every time and I would hate that type of treatment.

We planned on going to his parents house after this because of Evander but the whole waiting room is packed and not one person is entering for the examination which would mean I have to sit with Kingston in total awkwardness and trust me...After what happened that night,awkwardness was the highest it has ever been.

When he told me he liked me and wanted to earn a date with me by being nice and grant all my wishes I was more than speechless, I wasn't sure if I should accept or not,I mean he acted like a moron for weeks and now suddenly wants to treat me like a princess in a castle.

Everyone would be confused,I bet half would run away and never look back but I'm unfortunately not in the position to do so,at least not with his child in my stomach.

He gave me time to think about it and it's been three days already,I still haven't made the decision and I don't know when I will, I just don't think it's a good idea, nobody was supposed to catch feelings and then he did,the big question would be how do I feel? Do I like him or the idea of him?

Why am I so slow minded and confused?

"What are you thinking so hard about?"He asks while feeding Evander on his lap.

"Just the usual stuff, global warming, pregnancy,life..."I answer awkwardly while flipping through the magazine.

"Global warming?".

"Mhm, it's an big issue in today's world, someone has to worry about it"He chuckles and throws a few glances at the magazine.

"Do you think the risk of miscarriage went down by a few? How are you feeling?".

"I think a little yea but it can never go completely down since I have Fibromyalgia, I'm slightly tired and cracky but in much less pain,I feel pretty good"He nods relieved.

"I'm glad, I've been waiting for you to feel good again so I can marry you without fearing for your life,also work on baby number two"I drop my magazine on the floor and look at him bewildered.

"What did you say?".

He puts the bottle back in the bag and holds Evander against his chest to burp himm"Is your hearing issue a part of Fibromyalgia or are you that slow?".

I stare at him with my eyes wide,he didn't bother whispering his answer he said it loud and clear, causing a few people to look in our direction judgementally.

"You can't just that out loud Kingston"I say and grab the magazine, sinking back into my seat in embarrassment.

"Who the hell is going to stop me?"He asks and clears his throat.

"Everyone here should know that I want to marry this woman and put a set of twins in her as soon as the risk of miscarriage goes down,no stopping after that'"He says loud and clear to everyone in the waiting room, I cover my face with the magazine groaning quietly.

"Kingston what is wrong with you?".

"I'm telling everyone,I don't give a damn about their opinion and you duchess... You're gonna get filled up like a-Actually you'll have to wait to find out"He grips my knee and laughs at how embarrassed I am.

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