Chapter Two

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Time passed and the other girls finally walked out,my heartbeat immediately jumped up when a tall old man walked out of the office and smiled at us.

"Okay we need Avery, Adelaine and Charlotte next"I stand up and clutch my bag in my hands.

He looks at the three of us,his eyes passing Avery two times, his gaze falling back on her outfit.

I knew it,it was too good to be true.

"Come in,Mr.Russo is waiting for you"He walks in and we follow behind him,I walk in last and close the door, taking a deep breath before turning.

"Take a seat"The three of us sit in front of a large black desk, staring at the back of a leather chair that's facing the window.

I can only see the back of his head,his hair is slicked back and black,I don't even have to see his face to know he's attractive,you can really tell a lot by what the back of someone's head looks like.

"All three of them are here,the boss will face the window until he is intrigued by one of your answers,so your clothes don't be a distraction"The old man says and I smile on the inside.

It's an interesting strategy,he definitely knew he would have many half naked women coming.

Much respect for that.

"I'll ask the questions and you will answer, question number one,do you think you're qualified enough for this job?"All the of us nod and say yes in unison.

"Would you be able to give Mr.Russo one hundred percent of your time when needed?"We say yes again and he nods sternly.

"How would you help Mr.Russo? What is something you know or have that would benefit him?".

"I happen to be very intelligent and I have the looks for all the dinners that he would need dates for"Avery says and giggles.


The old man looks at her in surprise before laughing with her.

"That's very nice and very much needed in his case yes, it'll be hard to top such beau-"Mr.Russo clears his throat loudly, causing me jump in my seat a little.

"Ermm right, Charlotte what about you?".

What an interesting old man.

"I was in this business before,I was the assistant of the veterinarian and I was very good in what I did,it can't be any different from being the assistant of the CEO".

Veterinarian and the CEO assistant are definitely the same thing,she nailed this one.

"Alright? And Adelaine?".

"I take this job seriously sir, I'm determined and confident in my possibilities therefore I think I'm perfect for this job, I'm also a medical student part time and I have another night job as a waitress, that proves I'm hustling and it proves I have talent to hold more than two responsibilities"I end with a smile and he nods impressed.

I can't breath.

"That's very hardworking, what's your family status?".

"I live alone,my family lives on the countryside,well my mother and my sister".

"Your father?".

"Dead but I don't see why that is important for this interview, he's not the one that wants a job,I am".

"Do you work well under pressure?".

The scene I had in the car this morning would make me say absolutely not but I can't risk it.

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