Chapter Thirty -Seven

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"Hey Adey, you good? You haven't said a word since I walked in"Nasius says while walking around my room looking for his phone,his clothes soaking wet from football practice.

"How do you think I am? I'm absolutely horrible but it's not your fault of course"I put my hands on my stomach and feel a gentle kick.

"Is she kicking again?"I nod.

"She's been kicking this whole morning and afternoon, it's exhausting".

He stands between my legs and squats down, putting his hands over mine and smiling when he feels the small movement.

I'm almost seven months pregnant and Kingston is still nowhere to be found, it's like he disappeared from the face of Earth.

I've been closed off in my room ever since Nasius told me he left that night, the news broke my heart into a million pieces,I blamed myself for everything that happened,him leaving and the miscarriage, but recently I realized I didn't deserve to feel that way, I've been so devastated when in reality I should be grateful someone like that walked out of my life.

He missed the gender reveal,his son's first words,the baby's first kick...He missed out on everything just like he did with Evander, I'm supposed to grieve over someone like that? Someone that's alive and walking, probably healthy with another woman by his side? I won't do such a thing.

"You know...Forgiveness is a powerful-"I look at him seriously.

"Keeping your promise and not abandoning someone is also powerful,why couldn't your brother do that?"He goes quiet and looks at my belly.

"Exactly,so please stop mentioning it, I'm never going to forgive him for this,matter of fact I don't want him near my daughter either".

"You can't do that,he was involves in-"I push his hands away and stand up,he falls back and looks at me surprised.

"Involved in creating the child? That's all he was involved in,he wasn't here when I cried,he wasn't here when my back was killing me,he wasn't here to buy me my food cravings when I woke up in the middle of the night hungry,you were"I suck in a deep breath and press my lips together,tears slowly building up in my eyes.

"Adelaine..."He stands up and wraps his arms around me."You fooled everyone but you can't fool me,I know you're not doing okay,I know you miss him even though you keep telling me you hate him".

He's right,he ruined my whole life with one stupid action but I still miss him,I miss him so much, Nasius reminds me so much of him that sometimes I close my eyes and pretend I'm hugging Kingston instead,it keeps my mind at ease for a little while.

I burry my face in his chest, allowing the tears to fall."I can hate someone and still love them".

"It'll be okay,I know your mind isn't letting you see the bright side of this but I'm telling you right now that it will be okay,time heals all wounds".

"This is one wound time can't heal but I'll learn to live with it, just promise me you'll stop mentioning Kingston"He sighs and kisses the top of my head.

"I promise,if that's what you really want then I promise I'll stop but then you have to promise me you'll go outside more and start setting up the nursery"I groan pulling away.

"I'm not ready for that yet, we'll get it done later".

"You said that on our wedding night"He jokes and pats my head."Depressed little pregnant lady".

I punch his chest in offense and sit back on the bed."Stop talking about the wedding as well,we didn't have a choice".

We really didn't, Prince came onto me like I was the only woman on the planet,he would call me everyday to see how I was doing,he sent me random gifts and flowers two times a day and even texted me paragraphs on why Kingston doesn't deserve my forgiveness,the day he found out me and Nasius got engaged was the day he decided to go on some kind of a trip with his work friends, it's been months and he's still not back.

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