Chapter Forty-Three

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"Two cars crashed into each other,both drivers hammered but the footage shows Kingston wasn't at fault,the other driver was speeding and swerving like a lunatic all night"Prince says,his voice shakey as he speeds through the hospital hallway.

"What did the doctor say?".

"They took him in right away, apparently he was bleeding heavily and was still awake for a few seconds".

"We'll be there soon, Adelaine is apparently going into early labor".

"What? Is she okay? I swear to God if something happens to her because of him-"I hang up and look at Adelaine concerned.

"Ade...Ade?"She stares at me blankly,lost somewhere in her thoughts,her lips parted and eyes teary.

"Don't! Don't cry, he'll be okay,we don't know what happened yet".

"Car accident? He got into a car accident?".

She blinks back tears then suddenly grips her stomach.

"I-It's getting worse...If I don't-Tell him I'm sorry"She whispers as her eyes roll back.


I run to her side and manage to catch her before she hits the ground.

"Adelaine don't do this to me now,wake up"I look down on the ground and notice blood pouring down her legs.



"What do you mean a car accident? And what happened to Adelaine? Are they okay? What if something happens to the baby and they're not even aware of it?"Dove bombards me with questions as I pace up and down the hallway, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us if the baby survived.

"Does it look like I know Dove? She passed out and he got into a car crash close to our house, Prince and dad are upstairs waiting for him to get out of surgery, they'll come down and tell us if something happens,did you call mom?"She nods.

"I did but I told her to stay home and wait with aunties, remember last time she came to the hospital she wrecked the vending machines and wanted to light the doctor on fire"She reminds me and sits down.

"Right, did you tell her about Adelaine?".

"I had to, she took it surprisingly well, she said she'll pray for them both and stay home-".

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY KIDS?"A rough female voice yells from the distance, there's only one woman brave enough to yell like that.


"And you believed her? Fantastic".

I turn around and see her running towards us, wearing only a bathrobe and a pair of fuzzy slippers, her hair freshly washed and flying all over the place.


"Mom! Are you crazy?! This is a hospital,calm the heck down"I grab her bag and hand it to Dove.

"All three of you sit down and wait for the doctor to arrive! "I snap, raising my voice at them.

"Watch your tone little Russo"Ashley says while clenching her jaw.


Mom looks at me in surprise,her chin quivering slightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-".

"My babies,what if something horrible happens and I never..."She breaks down into tears before finishing her sentence and aunt Monica pulls her in a comforting hug.

"Ariel don't, they'll be okay".

"How do you know?".

"Because I just do,you need to be strong for the both of them, you're about to meet your granddaughter soon,cheer up".

"Oh please, cheer up? Bro has been hit by a car and Adelaine is not even aware of giving birth,are we supposed to dance in the rain now?"Dove asks sarcastically and I hit her ankle with my leg.

"Shut up".

"Sorry, I'm horrible at comforting people, I'm just as scared as everyone else but I'm certain they'll be okay,bro promised to walk me down the aisle and still didn't get the chance to,he won't leave he always keeps his promises"Her shoulders slump and she looks at down at her lap

"All of you need to relax, they'll be okay, you're only making it worse with your crying and panicking".

"Of course you say that,you are physically unable to react when someone dies"Dove responds while wiping her tears.

"Because it's immature,dad always told us we're allowed to be sad for only ten minutes, anything after ten minutes is a sign of weakness".

"That's for things like breakups and bruising your knee when falling,your brother and Adelaine are in danger, you're allowed to shed a tear".

"I'm good mom, you're crying for the both of us".

Dove groans and stands up."You're so heartless,can you act human for at least five seconds? Why are you acting like bro didn't sacrifice himself-".

"Anyone here for Adelaine?" We turn and see the doctor standing behind us,my heart nearly jumping out of my chest when I looked down and saw his white gloves covered in blood.

"All of us, is she okay? What about my granddaughter? Are they both still in danger?"Mom asks worriedly and steps in the front.

"The baby is okay,we managed to deliver her without any further complications, only thing is that some of her organs aren't fully developed therefore she'll have to spend some time in the incubator".

"Will she be okay?"Dove asks.

"She was born at 28 weeks, there can be some complications later and she needs special care from us at the moment but I'm certain she'll be okay".

We let out a sigh of relief and a smile spreads across my face,I feel like a huge rock has been lifted off my chest.

"Oh thank God,and the mom? Adelaine? Is she also alright?".

His facial expression hardens and he clears his throat.

"She lost a lot of blood and her blood pressure dropped suddenly during labor, we're doing our best to take care of her don't worry".

I freeze, looking at him in confusion."What do you mean she lost a lot of blood? Is she awake now?".

"She's not awake but hopefully she will be soon,and Kingston Russo...Is he your family as well?"Mom nods.

"He's my son,do you have any news about him? Are they done with surgery?".

The doctor stares at her with sad eyes,like he's trying his best not to hurt her with the words that are about to come out of his mouth.

"Your son suffered serious injuries and a hit in the head, I've been informed about a broken shoulder, concussion a few surprisingly minor fractures but..."He pauses.

"But what?".

He glances at me before looking back at her.

"He's in a coma".


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