Chapter Eight

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She just drove off like I was a piece of garbage on the floor,I didn't like that,it pissed me off to the point where I had to go to the club to drink and calm down, that was my plan since this morning of course but she ruined the experience.

I was stupid to even tell her my brilliant plan,the absurdity she pulled this morning and tonight made me realize she's in fact an inexperienced girl with no braincells.

"Your usual sir?"The girl asks while batting her eyelashes at me, she's a random woman that works here and flirts for the tips, she's pretty, long brown hair and brown eyes with rosy cheeks,but it doesn't feel right looking at her,if anything she's madly annoying me with her presence.

"You ask me that every single time I sit here,do you suffer from some sort of short-term memory loss?"She laughs and puts a stand of hair behind her ear.


"You're so funny,super funny, I'm asking because this is a bar with alcohol and you're sitting on the side for non-drinkers and you look like you would enjoy the other side more, I'm making sure you didn't change your mind".

"You saying I look like an alcoholic?"Her smile fades and she shakes her head apologetically.

"Gosh no,I was only asking to make sure,you can't blame me for being intrigued by a man like you sitting near the cupcake section"I lean back and observe her.

She should be fired.

"Your job is to serve customers, not to analyze where they are seated".

She smiles awkwardly and a picture of Adelaine's face flashes in my mind.

They have a similar smile, Adelaine's is more cheerful.

Why am I thinking about her smile?

"Just bring me my usual and don't ask stupid questions next time"I lean back and watch her walk away with attitude.

I look down at my cup and see Adelaine's face on it,I blink in confusion.

I'm seeing her face on cups now? The heck?

What did that girl do to me? How can someone piss me off this badly? She gave me hallucinations from her idiotic behavior.

I pull my phone out and open Google,I press search and begin typing.

<<Can a woman cause you hallucinations?>>

I scoff to myself,why am I so bothered? She'll be out of my head by tomorrow,but not right now.

I put my phone on the table and lift my head up, seeing the waitress carrying the tray with my order on it.

"Cupcakes and a tall glass of attitude"She says in frustration, causing me to smirk.

"You're embarrassing yourself by being so arrogant,take this,my friend works with people that are a bit slower than the rest of us,give him a call"I drop the card on the table and stand up, putting my coat back on.

"I'll take this to go, switch the tall glass of attitude for sparkling water".

She squints her eyes at me.

"Eating cupcakes across a club like a little princess and still thinking you're a big scary boss?"She spits back and rolls her eyes, I hiss in annoyance and lean down.

"I can get you fired in ten seconds,I suggest you keep walking and keep your mouth shut, wouldn't want anyone finding out what your job before this one was".

Her eyes widen and she takes a step back.

"Oh and I changed my mind, I'm not all that hungry,mind paying for this food and eating it? Thank you".

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