Chapter Twenty-Two

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It's been four days and I've never been more confused in my life, Kingston has been avoiding me ever since I made that dinner and I rarely see him around the penthouse, he's either at work,with Evander or watching tv blankly in his room,I don't know if I should be feel glad he's not bothering or be worried because he's,in fact not bothering me for the first time in weeks which is shocking.

He's piling Maddy with work just like he did with me when I worked for him,only difference is that he doesn't want to see how much she can handle before breaking, he's actually in deep problems because the assistant he hired after me didn't do her job right,the whole company is in debt and to be honest, I don't feel bad like I usually would ,he got what he deserved after treating his employees like slaves.

As for me and my tiny pregnancy,I feel okay,a little tired,my muscles hurt but I'm managing just fine, I've been spending my days laying down on the couch watching Netflix,my only source of entertainment is Maddy,my phone and the show Modern Family, I don't think it can get better than that.

"Get the hell up!"I sit up startled.

Of course the Grinch is back from the mountain.

"Wh-What?"I rub my eyes tiredly and look at him, he's standing in the middle of the living room with a bunch of papers in his hands.

"You need to do a test".

"Why? What test?"He pushes my legs off the couch and sits next to me.

"I need to know what kind of a person my child's mother is, I'll do one as well and we'll compare"I stare at him puzzled, what goes through his mind when he thinks of this stuff? How does one get to this point?

We could have just talked while watching tv or while eating dinner but this'll do I guess.

He hands me two papers and a black inked pen."Answer the questions quietly, we got four minutes each"He says and starts writing.

He's like a robot with no emotion and a programmed living schedule.

"Stop staring at me and start already"I shake my thoughts away and look at the questions.

"Right, sorry".

I scan the paper and click my pen.

Number One: Your favorite color?

White and black.

Number Two: Your favourite food?

Crispy chicken.

Number Three: Are you mentally ill?

I frown at the question and look at him."Number three? Really?".

He raises his head slightly and nods."I want to know if my child is a possible therapy patient".

No but his father sure is.


Number Four: Any health conditions?


Number Five: What's your best quality?

I hate these type of questions, what's my best quality? I don't think I have one, what even is a quality?

I sigh and put "creative and trustworthy", I'm creative when it comes to cooking and I'm trustworthy because when someone tells me something personal I have nobody to share it with cause Maddy is my only friend,and she's also the person telling me the personal stuff.

Is being a loner and only having one friend a good quality? In his world it's a sign of depression and loneliness but in my world it's comfortable and familiar,why have ten fake friends when you can have one that forever has your back?

"Time's up"He says and my eyes widen,I still have ten question left.

"Favorite color? White and black".

"Same as you"He nods.

"Favorite food? Crispy chicken"I blink in surprise."Crispy chicken as well".

He looks at me in confusion before continuing."Next,are you mentally ill? No".

I snort sarcastically.

"No as well".

He copies my reaction and snorts while shaking his head."I beg to differ".

"I'm not mentally ill,you on the other hand...".

"I nothing, I'm very much healthy and functioning".

"Your nails and your cracked lips say differently, it explains why you're never hungry,you eat the skin on your lips like they're a delicatessens".

I lick my lips and touch them with my fingers, they're not that bad,just a few little wounds.

"I'm doing it out of boredom since you aren't letting me out of this apartment".

"If you're so bored why aren't you cleaning then?Why aren't you cooking for me? Instead you're collecting dust on my expensive couch"My mouth drops open in offence.

"I'm on bed rest because of my condition, you told me I shouldn't do anything hard and tiring"He flips the page and shrugs"Cleaning isn't hard".

My eyebrows shoot up and I cross my arms."If it's not hard why aren't you doing it yourself".

"I'm a man, you're a woman".

I wait for him to continue,but he just stands up and looks me up and down."Our genders prove enough,men are leaders and women are housewives".

The nerve of this man ugh.

"Women can do more than clean, don't be so close minded, I'm sure whatever you do I can do better".

That's a huge lie Adelaine, you're in no position to talk right now,you can barely walk up the stairs on flare up days.

He lets out a harsh chuckle."I'm supposed to believe that? Your legs buckle when I make eye contact with you and you think you can do what a man does? You're weak minded".

I stand up and bored my eyes into his."That has nothing to do with anything,I can do whatever you can do,I would be able to cook and clean while running a company any day,I can multitask and still act like a decent human being unlike you"I snap and scoff at him, feeling my hands shaking as the adrenaline kicks in slowly.

He stares at me impressively before looking up the ceiling,my eyes falling on the veins on his neck,his Adam apple rising as he swallows.

"Good gracious duchess,you got a loud mouth but I'm not mad,I remember what else they're capable of doing"He lowers his gaze and out of nowhere, pulls a gun out.

My heart drops but I don't let it show on my face,not now when I told him I can do everything he can.

He trails the gun up my cheek before placing it firmly on my temple."You're telling me you can press the gun on someone's head like this and not start crying?".

I swallow hard and nod."If I can have it pressed on my temple then I can press it on someone else's"He wraps his hand roughly around my neck, squeezing the breath out of me.

Lies Adelaine,lies,lies, lies.

"Indeed but you don't got the nerve for it"His grip on my neck loosens and I smirk at him."You would be surprised Mr.Russo".

"Adelaine...Adelaine...Adelaine"He repeats my name three times while playing with the trigger, trying to scare me, he's succeeding but I'm hiding my fear well.

"I would have been very impressed right now if this wasn't a toy gun"My eyes widen and he bursts out laughing, blush creeping on my face from the embarrassment as he stares at me like I'm the biggest clown on the planet.

Adelaine you weirdo.

"We both know what you want in your mouth don't we?".

I stare into his eyes intensely,my knees buckling exactly like he said they would.

"God,sometimes I can't stand being near you,but then you do things like this and all I think about is kissing you, more than kissing you, reliving the night we had when that child was con-".

"Excuse me?"I hear a female voice say behind me and I freeze,my eyes widening along with his.


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