Chapter Four

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Quick reminder there are other stories to read before this one,for the better experience,they are connected to this one in some parts:

First book, following characters Isabella and Richardo,aka the og characters,where it all started- The Neverending Storm

First book, following characters Isabella and Richardo,aka the og characters,where it all started- The Neverending Storm

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Second book, following the daughter of Isabella and Richardo,main characters are Ariel and Falcon- Blinding Seduction

Second book, following the daughter of Isabella and Richardo,main characters are Ariel and Falcon- Blinding Seduction

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"He has a child?"I ask in shock,my jaw falling on the floor.

"Mhmm that's right,he won custody a month ago and hired her here to keep an eye out, she's a crazy woman that left her son alone in the house while she went out with her gal pals, can you believe that?".

No I really can't,he doesn't look like he would have a child,he looks...Well like a womanizer,I guess you really should never judge a book by its cover.

"That's terrible,how old is the son?"The elevator opens and we step out, heading to the meeting room.

"He's three months old,you should see him he's a copy of Kingston,he actually brings him here often so maybe you'll get to meet him".

I sure hope not, when I see a little baby I get all mushy and gushy, something about their big fat faces and their confused little facial expressions just make me want to rip their face off, they're too cute for their own good,I wouldn't be able to stay professional.

"Yea, that would be cute,and he brings him here even though she's downstairs?"She nods and opens the door for me.

"Mhm he sure does,one thing about Mr.Russo is that he doesn't give a damn about anyone,he didn't even like his son right away but luckily he has a good family so they help him out with raising and loving,all that shit you know?"I nod and walk in, setting the drinks on the table.

"Thank you for bringing me here and for telling me all that".

"No problem girl,catch you at lunch?".

"Oh well I don't know,I have a few errands to run".

Like take the test that I've already failed and will probably fail again.

"Alrighty tell me if you finish them early so we can go eat,you can find me on the 12th floor"I nod and smile politely.

"Will do, enjoy"She salutes me and walks out, I look at the drinks on the table and take a deep breath.

"One orange juice,four bottles of water,one espresso and one clear black coffee, check"I grab my pen and cross the first thing on the schedule.

"Next, coffee run,he wants a special coffee from the coffee shop down the street...Picky"I push the tray on the middle and run out, heading back to my office to grab my bag and coat.

This is going to be a very long and a very tiring day.


1:50 pm

I push my laptop away and fall back in my chair, utterly exhausted but proud of myself,I did it,I wrote the test,not only have I done that,I also checked half of the stuff from Mr.Russo's schedule and that's something that's worth celebrating.

I ordered his famous chicken Cordon Bleu that should be here in about a minute and now I'm free to wait until he's done eating so I can check the last thing off my list,the suit pick up.

"Who said I don't work well under pressure? I've been pressured to make it on time this whole morning and I haven't cried once, I'm on a roll".

My phone buzzes and I pick it up, seeing an unknown number texting me.

"Get down in the car"I frown.

"Who is this?".

"Cookie scout, it's your boss you idiot,get down we're going to pick my suits up".


"But sir your food should be here any minute now,I had to call seven restaurants to get it for you".

"I don't care,get down or you're fired".

I stare at the text in awe and annoyance.

"It took me too flipping long to find a piece of chicken and now he's not hungry?".


I shove the phone in my bag and grab my coat, running out the door in a hurry.

I run in the elevator and see a familiar face inside,the girl from the reception on the first floor.

Great,just great.

She scoffs at me and sips her coffee.

"They fixed the elevator"She stiffens in a laugh and I roll my eyes.

"That was unecesary,it was my first day and you decided to play with me"I press the button aggressively and the door closes.

"Oh what's the matter? Can't take a joke?".

"A joke? I had to walk to the 15th floor while there was a perfectly good elevator next to me"She shrugs and looks at me innocently.

"I guess that means you should never trust a stranger again,you kinda did it to yourself"I turn to her and arch my eyebrow.

"I didn't do it to myself, you're just a bitter person,you should be more worried about making your eyebrows even than joking around with me"She gasps and looks at me shocked.

"You rude little rat!"She removes the coffee lid and before I get the chance to react,coffee goes flying on me, splashing all over my clothes.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL-?!"I grab my drenched shirt and look at it in shock.

"Don't ever insult me or I'll do much worse and that's a promise".

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?"A deep male voice yells from outside,I look and see Mr.Russo standing in the lobby with two men in suits beside him,his the angry look on his face making my blood freeze.

Just amazing.

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