Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I don't want to, It's embarrassing"I say and he laughs.

"It's just a test,we need to finish what we started a week ago come on"He gives me a pen before clearing his throat.

"Question number one, how many people did you have intercourse with?"He asks,a little too loud causing people to turn and stare.

Horrible time to be doing tests like this,he told me to pick a coffee shop and I picked the one I love going to,cute little pink shop called Dandelions,it makes me feel dirty talking about my private life while sitting on pink, furry pillows.

I smile shyly and feel my face flush in embarrassment."Shhh, don't be do damn loud,I only slept with two people"I answer and take a sip of my apple juice.

One being against my will and the other I don't even remember,I couldn't be more irresponsible and dumb.

"Mhm that's good,I slept with over 18"I choke and cough out,my eyes nearly popping out of my sockets.


"Just over 18 people, no need to overreact duchess".

"That's a lot of...It's a lot"I say flabbergasted and he nods.

"Yes but I like you the most, don't get me started on your techniques, I could write a book on-"I cover my face and groan humiliated."Please stop talking, please...Stop...Talking...So...Loudly".

He laughs and uncovers my face."Alright I will,next question is when did you have intercourse for the first time?".

"A year ago"I answer and he looks at me in surprise."What the heck were you waiting for?".

"The right man but I ended up regretting it"He puts the papers down and his face hardens."Why,what happened?".

I stay quiet for a minute.

I don't know where to start,I don't want to remember a single detail.

"Tell me duchess".

I sigh in exhaustion."It's really not a big deal,he was a cheater and was a little bit aggressive that's all"I say and rest my hands on my lap, hiding them so he doesn't see how shaky they are.

"How aggressive? Define it,what did he do aggressively?"He asks with an inpatient voice,the look in his eyes making me regret even mentioning it.

"Well...I mean it's all my fault and I mean it this time,he would smile at other women and check them out so I confronted him about it"He nods, listening carefully.

"And then?".

I rub my elbow nervously."Well he wasn't very fond of it but that's perfectly fine".

"Adelaine...What did he to do you?"He asks with an impatient,rough voice.

"Nothing,just a few pushes"I clear my throat.


"He pushed me a few times and I fell,once I fell a little too hard and cut my arm on the mirror that shattered but that's literally all there is to it,he was just very rude and arrogant, loud and pushy-"He stands up abruptly, accidentally knocking his chair down, causing people to look in our direction.

"Call Prince to take you home, I'll give you his phone number"I frown, watching him type on his phone aggressively.

"What's happening? Why him? You and I came here together".

"Adelaine don't be difficult and stop asking questions, I'll be home in a few hours,I just remembered I have errands to run".

"So suddenly? We were doing your test".

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