Chapter Seven

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"Excuse me?".

"I want you to go out with me, possibly be very unappealing and rude so that's how I remember you, it'll be easier to work with you if you behave anciently".

Anciently? Does he mean behave like a caveman?!!?

I blink in surprise, still trying to process everything that came out of his mouth.

He can't actually be serious, right?

"Your idea is to take me out and make me behave horribly just so you can stop thinking about me? Sir are you out of your mind?".

"Of course I'm not, it's a good idea,once I spend more time with you outside of work I'll see you're unappealing and plain so I'll stop finding you attractive and think about you, it's simple".

"Did you just call me unappealing and plain? Why would I be unappealing and plain?".

Where is he getting these things from?

"It is quite obvious you wouldn't know what to do and how to act with a man around, which in a woman,I find very unappealing"He says while staring into my eyes intensely,his stare sending shivers through my whole body, anger ones.

"That is unfair, you're judging people by how much they know and don't,not everyone is a self-centered, cocky moron like-"My eyes widen and I close my mouth before the words slip out.

"Like who duchess? Like who?"He takes a step closer leaning in, I suck in a deep breath and look away awkwardly.

"No one".

"Like me? That's a rude thing to say duchess,you don't know me personally"He whispers in a low tone.

"I didn't mean you, it's not important".

"Of course it is,but I would suggest you don't judge a book by its cover".

I usually don't,but him, he's definitely a womanizer and there's no doubt in that.

I clear my throat quietly and take a step back, straightening up and looking at him seriously.

"Sorry sir,I would like to go now if that's okay with you".

"No it's not"He answers sternly and I furrow my eyebrows.

I have a bed waiting for me,my beautiful warm bed and my beautiful warm pillows.

"I'm not going out with you sir,you called me unappealing and plain, therefore I think you would be wasting your time".

"I beg to differ,maybe I am wrong about you, I want you to prove me wrong".

Who has time for these games?

"I don't need to do that and I don't want to,I would like to continue working here until my paycheck"He stares at me without saying anything,like he's waiting for me to continue.

"That's all sir".

He runs his tongue across his teeth nodding slowly.

"I was right about you then,you are unappealing and plain"He says with a teasing voice.

"Let me be like that then,I would rather have that reputation than the reputation of-It- it doesn't matter I'm going home,good night sir,see you tommorow"I blur out quickly and turn on my heel, practically running out the door.

I hurried out the building and ran to my car,still puzzled by what happened inside.

Going out with me? That's his master plan,to spend a few hours with me outside of work and see I'm in fact just plain and boring,if I'm so plain and boring why the heck does he think about me so much? I never understood men.

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