Chapter Fifteen

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His parents?!

I don't want to see his parents or his siblings.

Is he crazy? I can't show my face to them after finding out they know who I am,more important they know what I did and who I did it with.

"I'm not doing that,you told everyone I slept with you and they'll think I'm some easy girl that only applied for this job because I wanted you in my pants".

"In these four walls you're my girl but outside of them you're-".

"I'm another girl you manipulated into sleeping with you"I finish his sentence and grab my blouse off the floor aggressively.

Now that the need is fulfilled my mind can't help but to remember what Khalin told me,the mind is truly a powerful thing.

"That's what Khalin told you? Little brat likes ruining my reputation"He says while straightening his suit.

"It's not her fault,I was with you just a few minutes ago and now I came to my senses again...It's my turn to say pretend this never happened and don't mention it to your family"I demand and he looks at me,taken aback by my sudden mood change.

I allowed lust to take the lead and control my actions,I wasn't thinking straight and to be honest I felt a tingle of jelaousy knowing he's been with Jessica in his office,I don't know why but I felt it,my guess is because he proved to be exactly like Khalin said and it angered me,plus I've been here for almost two weeks and I feel like just another toy he played with.

You don't just feel it Adelaine, you are one.

"You were moaning and now you want to tell me what to do and what not to do? Don't forget I'm still your boss Adelaine,this between us doesn't change the fact that I can fire you for disrespecting me"He says with a dead tone,no emotion behind his eyes.


"Good to know sir,good to know"I mumble under my breath and relax my shoulders, trying my best not to cry at the thought of being fired, Maddy has no job and we're barely paying the bills, we'll end up on the street if I don't get my attitude and feelings in check.

"This is our last time getting together, don't think anything of it,I can't do this arguing right now, refresh yourself and come down,we need to go"He fixes his tie and walks out not even sparing me a glance,the sound of his rough footsteps fainting as he walks away from my office.

I lean on the desk and stare at the door sorrowfully.

"Adelaine what have you done to yourself?".


It took me a minute to get myself together and pick up everything he threw off the desk,then I had to walk down fourteen flights of stairs because the elevator isn't working but I had time to practice what I'll say to everyone when we get there and so far I've came up with "Hi" and "good morning"...It's two in the afternoon.

This would be so much easier if I wasn't such an idiot.

I grab my inhaler from the bag and lean against the wall."Next time.... I'm using-using the window"I shake it and take a huge puff,my vision becoming blurry.

"Just one more floor and done,you can do it"I put the inhaler back in my bag and grab onto the wall for support.

What kind of a person decides to have a company with over two floors?  This is madness.

"Adelaine? You okay?"I look up and see Stella walking up, looking at me concerned.

"Can you help me get down? I don't feel too good"She hurries to my side and wraps her arm around mine."What's wrong?".

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