Evil spirits all over?! [part 1]

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In a dark room, Mai and her friend were telling ghost stories with blue penlights; which provided enough light for them to be able to see each other's face. One after another, they told their own stories, and when a girl finished, she had to switch off her penlights until all lights were off.

In the room, only one penlight can still be seen, and we could hear Mai telling her story from outside the classroom. The order went like that: Michiru - Yuuri- Keiko - Mai (Yup, I changed the order). Unbeknown to Mai and her friends, two people were outside listening who were waiting for their cue to enter the classroom.

Meanwhile, the young man and the androgynous girl were waiting in silence and glanced at each other, before watching in front of them, one more time.

"... It's a story I heard when I was a grade student. On a street at night there was a woman going back home. That was in the Autumn, so her body got cold midway, and she felt she needed to go to the toilet. She was just passing near a park an d thought she could use the public toilet there. A public bathroom at night doesn't feel right, does it? Because it's dark and all... Although she didn't want to, she went into the restroom. Then she heard a voice calling out of thin air" Mai, then made her high-pitched voice tremble, creating a very strident effect.

[Do you want a red mantle?]

That made one of the other girls screams, obviously afraid. "No-o—!"

"That woman was completely frightened and left the restroom, but somehow the door was stuck. The door jolted again she heard the same voice, [Do you want a red mantle?]. She hit the door with all her might, but it still didn't open. And, when she heard the voice for the third time she answered, [No I don't want it]. Right after that the door opened quickly." After a little while, Mai finally finished her story and, turned off her penlight. Then, the girls proceeded to count upwards from one, and from rumours, the last one to count should be a ghost.

So according to this rumour, they started to count.

"One..." Keiko started with a hazy voice.

"Two..." Yuuri's turn.

"Three..." Michiru continued with a low voice.

"Four..." And finally, Mai's turn

Then, a thought came in their mind at the same time 'There are four of us. Are we about to hear a fifth voice?'.


After the final count, the four girls screamed at once and, fell into panic with agonizing cries. And at that instant, the dark room lit up, and they all turned slowly toward the door, to see two figures standing. One, belonged to an unknown and tall and handsome boy, and next to him, the face of someone they all knew.

The boy had a beautiful face, and his hair was as dark as night, and his eyes had a deep gloomy look. He also wore black clothes but not a uniform; that indicated that he was not a student in any school, and much less, an exchange student in this school.

"W-Was that you?" Keiko, only asked the boy, because she already recognised the girl.

"Yes... Have we done something wrong?" The boy said with a seemingly gentle and peaceful voice.

"..." The girl just stayed quiet, and let the young man talk.

"Ahh, that surprised me. I thought I was going to die" Michiru said, siting down relieved.

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