Forbidden Pastime [part 3]

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Entering the room that was assigned to them, as a sort of headquarter, Yuki didn't acknowledge the childish and rude teacher's presence any longer. It wasn't her first time meeting someone rude, but it is truly the first time, she met with someone as stubborn as him.

You can have your own belief, but you cannot just forcefully project them onto someone, and expected them to follow them, just like obedient dogs. Speaking of which, when she entered the school, she had the impression that she saw a dog. Even though, she knew that in such a closed-minded and strict school, such a thing like a dog wouldn't be allowed, she still had, somehow, managed to catch the glimpse of one. So, what exactly was that dog? Was it real?

Despite all the questions whirling in her mind, she knew that it couldn't be a coincidence. There are no things that happen by coincidence.

In her years of experience, also including the years of her five past lives, she knew that an accident is always caused by something or someone, or if it's not the case, then there is a caster (just like in the previous case [The After School hexer], the teacher was the responsible for the incidents). Then, there is the medium and lastly the target.

And, it seems that those three things are reunited in this school. But the thing is, that there are too many spirits in this school, so there isn't just one caster but multiple. But, what's the goal? If, there is one of course, but it's unlikely that they were summoned for nothing.

The case continued, and the SPR investigators had learn more and more, about the origin of all those accidents. Though, unfortunately, Yuki had to pull herself out of this case, because her nature as 'mediator' doesn't well with this fog of spirits. So, in her case, it's more harmful than beneficial, as it causes a heavy burden.

However, it doesn't mean that she won't help them, before going.

On a piece of paper, she had written three words, acting like a clue to them.


Later on, those three words were more useful than they thought, allowing them to resolve it.

[Sorry for rushing this chapter. I just don't have the motivation to, cover this arc entirely; and since I just can't write the next chapters without finishing this one, I thought it would be more adequate if I did this.

Sorry for the waiting! See ya next time!


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