The Bloodstained Labyrinth - Discontinuation

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The sound of something, liquid and smarmy, dropping from the bathtub. Creating, an absolutely nasty sound, almost like something slimy was trickling, on the floor. 

Falling down on the tiles, that were already stained by a rust-coloured thing and, seemed to be already dried bloodstains. The only thing that seemed to confirm that it was, in fact, blood, is the reeking odour of metal that had rusted.

A skeletal figure, stripped down of everything except for his skin, that seemed to be tightly tied down, to his bones. Making him, looking like a still living mummy.

On his skeletal form, the blood on his skin was forming, like a viscous and disgusting blanket. Emerging from the pool made of blood, the non-human thing uttered one single sentence, expressing with perfection his will to live, his fear and greed.

His grotesque appearance, is like a mirror of his sin and unearthly thoughts.

I don't want to die

An enormous and magnificent mansion, build in an European style and, looking like it would fall into ruin, although, it was still standing strong. Yet, that's it.

It is in that exact mansion that, the case given to the SPR is taking place. Because, this case is related with someone who was important, all discretion is welcomed.

Hello, gentlemen and ladies!

You may want to know what I meant by, this chapter's title, right? [Bloodstained Labyrinth] and [Discontinuation], how curious, isn't it?

Well, you can take the title quite literally... Unfortunately.

Like everyone, I lose interest in continuing this story, like any other fellow writers, authors or whatever, on this platform.

I did try to motivate myself to continue my story, because I didn't want to end one of my first stories like this; but my motivation has dragged for way too long, the next chapters.

So, instead of forcing myself, I still prefer ending it here. It's not that I don't like it, but there is no use to force myself, doing something, I've lost my interest in.

Hence, this chapter is the conclusion of this story. I officially announce that this story, will be discontinued!

I'm sorry for those, who were probably waiting for the next chapters.

Likewise, I also thank you, those who had read, this story even though, I don't know why.

And, finally, see you next time!

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