Evil spirits all over?! [part 2]

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Not long after the bell chimed, Shibuya-san went to fetch or more like drag her here, accompanied by Yuki who had conveniently finished her tasks, and followed behind, after 3O minutes because, she was tidying up her papers. And, like each time, as she passed in the halls toward her destination, the pupils stare at her, but she was never sure as to why though.

Unbeknownt to her, they (pupils) acted that way, because they didn't know how to approach her. No because she is particularly intimidating but more like because, something about her (Yuki) made others keep their distances; perhaps her charism?

When, she finally arrived to Mai's classroom, she heard someone shouts. "It's still such a thing!" A girl, that Yuki recognised as one of the students with a bad reputation, although she did not know her (the girl's) name, snapped at Shibuya-san with an incredible force, for whatever the reason.

Peeking her head through the door, and asked Mai, who was the closer to her. "Mai, did I interrupted something?" She asked the brunette, who in return her head 'no' slightly.

"Nuh-huh, nothing important" She answered my question, then she turned toward Mai's friend.

"Michiru, Keiko and Yuuri, weren't you going to do an another session of ghosts telling stories?" Yuki asked with one of her eyebrow up.

"Hm, no we don't want to do it anymore, we are sorry to bother you with helping us, borrowing the classroom, senpai" Michiru apologies and she reassured her (Michiru) that, it did not bother her, and bid them farewell. "Now then, young lady, who are you and for what reason were you shouting at Shibuya-san?" She asked, turning to the girl with glasses and twin braids. 

"I-I'm K-Kuroda, and I shouted a-at him b-because..." She left, running out, before stuttering and finishing her sentence, leaving it to be incomplete.

Blinking, Yuki turned to Mai. "Mai, did I do something to her?" The latter just stayed quiet with a smile and, some sort of glints in her eyes, showing some amusement. "Mai, did you know Kuroda before ?" She asked once again.

"No, Today was the first time I've spoken to her. She seems suspicious to me for some reasons." She didn't seem sure of what she claimed but she expressed her dislike toward Kuroda. Though, let's note that she completely ignored Yuki's question for an unknown reason.

"Is she really a medium?" Shibuya-san asked with a thoughtful expression.

"Well, she said herself, didn't she? By the way, is the person from this morning alright?" Mai asked, feeling a bit guilty but also worried.

"He sprained his left ankle, but it was in a bad condition so he won't be able stand for a while... Mai, if you want to ask, if they are acquaintance, then yes, obviously" When Yuki said that, she saw her (Mai) flinching from the corner of her eyes. Then, she asked what king of acquaintance they were.

"Assistant" He stated, but it seems that Mai didn't quite understand.

To which, the older woman called her out. "Mai, you don't think that Shibuya-san is the assistant are you?" She asked, she nods. "It's the other way around" She added, sighing because of her ward's slight stupidity.

"My assistant being unable to move is troubling. Don't you think you have a responsibility to take on, Taniyama-san?" He said.

After, they came to the agreement: In which Mai will be the assistant for the time while. She then asked what kind of work, they were doing. Shibuya-san answer made her scream.

"Ghost hunt." Flatly.

" Haa?!" She exclaimed surprised.

"On other words, ghost extermination. We've come here to investigate the old school building by the request of the principal. We are called 'Shibuya Psychic Research'"

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