The Spirit's Residence [part 6]

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>< Third PoV >< 

When the other arrived in the room, they could see that Ayami was as white as chalk and that Yuki who had Noriko in her arms, released her grip on the younger woman, and went to sit on the bed which was nearer thing, she could sit on.

"Noriko-san are you alright?" Yuki asks with her eyes closed.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you. But you, are you alright?" She asked a little worried for the one who protected her.

"Yes, although I'm a little tired. I think I shouldn't have rushed here, but you don't have any sorts of protection on you, but it was quite worthwhile. Nobody was injured... Yet." She said the last part with a low voice and then she turned toward Mai " Mai, can you come here and show me hand on which you put the ring?"

The said girl nodded and went toward Yuki. When, she was in front of her, Yuki took Mai's hand "I'm sorry Mai, but I think that you can claim this ring as yours now. I didn't thought I would have to tell you so soon... Listen, to claim this ring as yours, they are two solution..."

"Which are?" Mai asked curious.

"The first one is to always wear it for a long time, but as you noticed it, the time is still too short... The second one, is to put a drop of your blood on it, just one drop is sufficient. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but why are you telling me this, now?"

"Because, before you wore it, the ring was still mine so when you activate that ring, it actually drain my energy, not yours yet. I suppose, it's the perks of wearing a 'living' ring..."

"So, you are saying that because it activates by it own will to protect me, it was actually draining from you energy?"

"Correct. But, as you can see, I'm too tired right now, so for now the protection is almost nonexistent, so you will have to depend on yourself." When she finished her explanation, she kissed the ring on Mai's hand to release her ownership on it. "In all honesty I wanted to make you something more easy to use, but I still lack one thing..."

"What is it?" Bou-san asked.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you, not because I don't want to but it's hard to explain. Even if you tried to research how it is made, I don't think you could even find it, because I'm the only living person who still know how it is made." 

"You made them?" Ayako asked with an eyebrow raised up.

"Yes, but now it's not the time to discuss this... Can you return to the base first? I want to discuss a little with Ayami-chan and Noriko-san, is it alright?" She asked all of them and they nodded and returned to the base.

>< With Ayami, Yuki and Noriko ><

"Alright, Ayami-chan how are you? Are you injured?" Yuki asked as she caressed the little girl's cheek. Then, the little girl quickly shook her head, to indicate that she was alright and that she wasn't injured either.

"Good. Ayami-chan won't you give me your doll? I know that doesn't want to separate yourself from it, because you don't anyone to be hurt."

"..." The little girl didn't say anything.

"With me here, everything will be fine. I promise to protect you from anything." 

The little girl hesitated and shook her head, to indicate that she refuses to separate herself from her doll. Then Yuki sighed, and then she took something from her pocket and gave 2 ribbons to Ayami and Noriko.

 Then Yuki sighed, and then she took something from her pocket and gave 2 ribbons to Ayami and Noriko

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