The girl named 'Shirato Yuki'

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A day of spring, a season where we can see the cherry blossom bloom, in a school's library, two people were present. One of them, is the librarian and the other one, is a black haired woman that looked younger than her age.

Before being interrupted in her tasks by the librarian, she was working on things that only she knew the content of and signing some papers. Additionally, she was helping with the reorganization of one of the libraries sections. Now, it doesn't seem like it, but quite of some times passed since she has started to do the tasks on her to-do list, and that made her forget, at the same time, to eat something; a bad habit of hers. Moreover, the silence reigning over the library contributed to the forgetfulness that happened without her noticing.

It's only the librarian's voice that snapped out of her state of trance.

"Miss Shirato, thank you for your help! I'm sorry to burden you when you have other things to do..." The old librarian said, while smiling sheepishly and apologetically. Though, inside, the old librarian felt grateful and relived, because if she had done so herself, it would have taken a lot more time; at least half a week, because of her bad back and, also because of the slowness of her movements. Which, she might or may have not aware of, and she couldn't even think of any excuses.

"Please don't be sorry, it's my pleasure to help you, madam. It doesn't bother me in the least!" She said with a small smile trying to appease the librarian's worry. "Please, call me anytime." Even if, she was taken advantage of, she wouldn't have mind because she did find solace in such a work. 

"Very well, please come here, anytime you want some documents on subjects, I will do my best to find them for you!" It was a way for her to repay Yuki, after all, she did felt guilty.

"Very well!" She said while standing up. "Did you need anything? And here, I recorded the new books that came in today" Giving the old librarian the record, that mostly filled up, which proves Yuki's proficiency in her work.

"Thank you!" She accepted the record wholeheartedly. "Oh, right! The Schoolmaster asked you to go to his office, he wanted to discuss something with you, but I don't have more informations." She said and seemed curious, as to why the principal called her in his office, but curiosity killed the cat, so she refrained herself.

"I'm sure it's nothing too important, but I will go see what he needs with me, so I bide you farewell for now." She said while bowing a little, a sign of respect which was returned by the librarian.

After a few minutes, she arrived in front of the Headmaster's office's door, to which she knocked on the door, and then announced herself.

"Principal, it's Shirato Yuki" She announced herself with a steady voice and then left herself in, as she heard a muffled 'come in' and, some other voices.

Letting herself in, she saw the principal with two other men, who were sitting on the couch, situated a few meters, in front of the principal's desk. But, she did not pay any attention to the presence of the two other men, she walked toward the principal and gave the latter gave her, papers that needed her signature. And vice versa.

Then, taking the new stack, she signed them on the coffee table, sat just in front of the two strangers; who, in returned, observed her silently, all while she's continuing. 

Finally, finishing, she proceeded to stand up, to give them to the principal, and once again, sat down where she was previously. The principal then also sat down on the couch next to her, and gave her a cup of coffee. After sipping down her coffee a little, she put down the cup, and the principal, took this as his cue, and introduce each other.

"My apologies gentlemen." He bowed her to show an apology. "There were few papers that needed to be signed. Now then, this young lady next to me is Shirato Yuki." The two men nodded and the principal did the same the other way. 

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