The Spirit's Residence [part 3]

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>< Next day ><

The next day, the flower vase on the table was still in the same place, it didn't move into the circle on the table.

So they concluded, that a human was not responsible for all poltergeist activities that take place in this house. So they decided to return to the base.

>< At the base >< 

"Since the flower vase didn't move... Does that mean the people who live here didn't cause the poltergeist activity?"


"Hey, can the culprit be Noriko-san's older brother who's overseas right now?"

"That would be impossible because he's not here. I've never heard of a case where a middle-aged man is the culprit. Even if it is him, the poltergeist activity would've left when he left" Naru said and Yuki continued.

"If that were the case, the poltergeist activity would occur where ever he is staying at." 

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(Today's outfit and hairstyle! Of course, Yuki's face don't looks like that, I just want to show what she is wearing today

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(Today's outfit and hairstyle! Of course, Yuki's face don't looks like that, I just want to show what she is wearing today. So as you understood it, for this case, she is wearing male clothes.

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