Ghost story in the park?!

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>< In the park ><

In the park, the SPR investigators, were acting as couples because it seems that only couples, were targeted by the mysterious prankster.

Yuki, of course, was also part of it, but she was speechless, because of how the initial situation turned out. At first, she expected something more 'important', but it seems that it was an investigation much more silly, than what she thought.

Maybe, she should have stayed with Lin? That 'investigation' is really ridiculous. It wasn't even an investigation at this point.

>< Flashback >< 

At the school, along with two friends, are currently talking about random topics. It was quite an enjoyable for the three. But, Michiru, Mai's friend, told them about her date with her boyfriend at the park, her face suddenly became grim, looking down.

"Huh? You have something you want Naru to investigate?" Mai asked Michiru doubtfully.

"Mm—hmm. It happened earlier, when it happened earlier, when I was on a date in the park."

It seems that she was enjoying the date she had with her boyfriend, when suddenly, they were sprayed with water, even though there was nobody around them, at that time.

Mai was trying to reassure her and cheer her up, but nothing made the difference. Apparently, it was Michiru's and her boyfriend's first date happened at.

So, she had an emotional attachment to that park.

Finally, she accepted to talk about it to Naru, but she also said that she cannot guarantee that he will accept. Though, it was enough for Michiru, and she hugged Mai.

At the agency, Mai talked about it to Naru, but obviously he refused and then, ordered her to prepare him some tea.

Later, Masako also came to the SPR agency and talked about the same thing. 

It seems that the director of a film, actually asked her a favour. Because while they were shooting a film, the main actress was also sprayed by water, even though they were at the kiss scene. They cannot just cut off that scene, so they had no choice but to ask Masako's help, because there would be some issues with the script and the actor's schedule.

The result, was not the same as the one he gave Mai.

Mai, was a little angry that he accepted Masako's request and not hers. Little did she know that Masako actually blackmailed him, so he had no choice but to accept.

>< Next day ><

The next day, Naru along with Mai, Masako, John and Bou-san, were at the park where the prank took place. Two persons were saying  still missing.

"This is the park, huh?" Bou-san looking around. 

Then, John expressed that he couldn't believe what was happening here. "You know, I can't believe this." 

And Bou-san agreed, putting a hand under his chin. "Yeah, a spiritual phenomenon that attacks couples..." But, was quickly shoot down by Naru.

"We haven't yet determined that it's a spiritual phenomenon." He replied stoically. 

"That's what we're about to investigate, right?"

Shortly after, Masako asked Mai where was Ayako currently. "Where's Matsuzaki-san? And, do you know where is Shiro?" 

Then, Mai looked around and realized that in fact, Ayako was not with them... As for Yuki, she said that she had an appointment with someone, because of that, she would not be able to join us, until later." She said, Masako nodded and Bou-san added something.

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