The Spirits' Residence [part 1]

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Like always, people visited and presented their case to the SPR or 'Shibuya Psychic Research'. If you push the blue-gray door, you will be received by the people who work in the office.

When nobody enters the office, Mai will start to organizing the books that was on the list given to her by Naru. If you observe carefully, then you will notice that all the books, were about parapsychology, so as usual Mai were putting them away in the library of the office.

"Ne, Yuki, what category is 'The Parapsychology Battlefield'?" Mai asked Yuki who was reading on the couch next to Naru, who was also reading.

"In 'Parapsychology, Thesis'" Yuki said, without raising her head from her book.

"How do you know, when you didn't even see the cover of the book I have in my hands?" Mai asked raising her eyebrow.

"I read it." She simply stated.

"...That's it?" As a response, Yuki nodded at Mai's question.

"Got it" 

Just when Mai, was about to write down what Yuki indicated on a card, the door opened and a young woman, who seemed to be in her twenties entered. The guest asked uneasily if this office was the SPR. 

At that, Mai plastered her 'business smile' on her face and guided the guest toward the sofa.
Naru stood up to also greet the guest who presented herself as 'Morishita Noriko', but Yuki was still sat down and only closed her book, to listen to what the customer had to say. 

"...Is something troubling you?" Naru said, with his angry tone, and seemed a little annoyed, who could blames him? The previous ones, who entered the office, were all annoying and none of them, had the decency to present them a reasonable request.

"Please sit down, and please tell us what is troubling you, Morishita-san." Yuki said with a soft voice, which had the effect to calm a little the young woman, who seemed to be tired.

She seemed to be reassured slightly and started to talk "There are strange sounds. Sounds of someone knocking on the wall and climbing onto the bed, will come from empty rooms. The door opens and closes by itself..."

At this moment, a light flashed in Naru's eyes and he asked "The door opens and closes with no apparent reason?" He restated to make sure there was not any error.

The young woman nodded, feeling uneasily once again. "Objects in the room won't be in their usual place. The room often shakes. At first  I thought it was an earthquake, but it wasn't..."

Naru's eye gleamed with interests and Yuki nodded, as a sign for Noriko to carry on her explanation.

Then Naru inquired "Can you be more specific on objects not being in their usual place?"

"Um... The water vase moved, things I put in the drawer aren't there anymore, and they all end up in places they shouldn't be in" She answered.

"And the earthquakes?" Yuki asked Noriko.

"It kind of feels like an earthquakes. The furniture emits a rumbling sound. And then there's this swaying feeling..."

 Yuki made a sign to Lin, who understood and pulled out a cassette recorder tape, to record Noriko's account. Naru, then just went on with his questions like 'First of all, can you tell us about the other inhabitants?'

After that, Naru discussed matters with Lin in a separate room, and it seems that they wanted to accept this case, as Naru is picky with the requests, it was the first time that he actually accepted one. 

>< Three days later, holiday ><

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