Evil spirits all over?! [part 3]

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To check, if anyone went to the classroom and moved the chair, Naru decided to rewind the recording while everyone else was watching, without blinking once to not miss anything. They would be damned if, they missed what caused the windows to explode: much to their chagrin, the windows were clearly shown broking down into pieces, without any specific reason.

They hypothesised a poltergeist, but Naru dismissed it. The thermography showed no temperature rise in the chair.

"Tezanne." Naru said, smiling slightly, seemingly satisfied to have at least someone smart or at least, who could follow his train of thought. Moreover, he felt himself begin being frustrated, when he had to explain, because unfortunately, Mai didn't seem to connect the dots. It's in his opinion a waste of time, but he would rather that than be pestered all the time for something he deemed to be fairly easy.

"Huh? Yuki, do you know what is that?" Mai asked, turning to Yuki and waiting for an answer. To which, Yuki complied.

"Mai, it's not a 'what, but a 'who'. E- Tezanne is a French officer who classified poltergeist" When an explanation was given to her, Mai seemed to be still dumbstruck, so Yuki couldn't help sighing and continued. "There are nine categories in total, which are: explosions, opening and closing of doors, noises, knocking, and other six... If I remember well, out of the nine conditions, only three occurred here: a door closing supposedly by itself, a moving object and a shattered window. So, I don't know if that is enough to classify this as a poltergeist haunting. So, Mai, did you understand my explanation?" She (Yuki) asked, seeing the younger of the two thinking about something. Snapping out of it, Mai tugged on Yuki's sleeve, so the latter knelt at her level and then, she whispered in Yuki's ears.

"So, what was the thing that attacked Kuroda-san?" She said loud enough for me to hear, and the older looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Is that so? Are you sure she said that?" She nodded, and the odd-eyed woman patted her head, flashing her smile, that she returned because she understood: she had done something good. "Don't say anything about that for the moment, understand?" The woman whispered her instruction in her (Mai's) ears and she nodded.

Strangely, we heard a rapping sound and then something crashing down, not long after Yuki gave her instruction to Mai. 

When the former looked outside, Yuki saw that Masako was the one who fell, which led her to check for any injuries she could have. Before that, she called an ambulance, because one should always be careful and just in case.

After checking, the odd-eyed woman let the ambulance take Masako to the hospital, turned to Mai and asked her.

"Mai, may I know why Masako went alone on the second floor? I remember warning all of you. Do not lean on the walls, because the building was old, the walls could collapse, haven't I?" Yuki waited for Mai's answer and everyone else's. After a silent minute, Mai finally answered her.

"She checked and tried to feel the ghosts' presence in the building because she was provoked by what Ayako and Kuroda-san said..."

"And, what did they say?" Almost instantly, Mai responded to me.

"Ayako insisted that they were ghosts. However, Masako said they weren't at all since the beginning and Kuroda-san said that they were still in the old school, but that Ayako was not successful and that Masako is fake and lying... That's all."  Mai finished and waited. 

"Are you trying to say that, because of a childish quarrel, someone, fell and could have been injured more severely?" Everyone, but Naru, shivered because of Yuki's voice; when someone pushed Yuki too far, her anger come to the surface like a volcano. Not someone, you would want to provoke. "Mai, I understand that you didn't want to take part in that quarrel, don't worry, I'm not angry. Ayako and Bou-san, you two are adults, so why didn't try to stop Masako? Understandably, she wanted to prove what she was saying, after all, reputation is essential for someone who works in the same field as her, even more, when someone is saying that she is a liar... And, as for you Miss Kuroda, It's already the third time, and you still don't seem to understand what I am saying are you?" She said while turning toward her as she tried to justify herself.

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