The Spirit's Residence [part 8]

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"Miss, won't you go through the door?" Yuki asked and the girl and her mother, and they nodded.

"Thank you for all, mediator." The mother said.

"There is no need, I only done what I had to do. Please rest in peace, I pray that in the next life, you will be once more reunited." She said, while giving them a red string and tied their pinkie fingers together. "There, you won't be separated while going through."

"Thank you, onee-chan!" The little one exclaimed.

Then, the two went through the door which will lead them, where the kingdom of the end, wait for them to pass on.

After that, Yuki used her kiseru to make visible all the children appear. And then, she opened har hand, letting her palm being seen. After few seconds, a light flashed on her open palm, and we could now see a green gemstone and a smile on Yuki's face.

"Children, our contract is fulfilled, you can pass on, in peace."

"Thank you so much, mediator as promised we will lend you our strength when, the opportunity is given. Until then, good bye!" They said and also went through the door, except one who is clinging to Yuki.

She knelt down and asked "What is it boy? Why won't you pass on with the other?"

The boy shook his head "I want to stay with you."

"Why is that? If you passed on, then you would be able to be reunited with your mother and siblings, so why not? "

"Even so, I want to stay with you, I want to see the living world." He said determined.

"...Alright, but you can't remain in the form of a spirit. Do you want to be one of my familiar?"

The boy nodded and smile to Yuki and Yuki reciprocated the smile. She then stood up, and gave him her hand, leading him to the base.

>< In the base ><

When she arrived, everyone turned toward Yuki, except Lin, and saw that a little boy was next to her. Before they could do anything, she stopped them.

"I think everyone saw, what happened in the living room. So you all, know that I will make this little boy, one of my familiars, am I right?" She asked and they nodded.

"So, how will you make him one of your familiars?" Bou-san asked curious and pointing at the boy.

"A ceremony. But, I will have to call my butler and tell him to bring what I will need, and I also need him to assist me."

"A ceremony?" Mai asked titling her head slightly to the side.

"Mai, I can't explain it clearly with words, so I invite you and the other to observe the ceremony. So what do you think?" 

The other thought and then nodded, to show that they will assist to it.

"Good. The ceremony, is a sort of ritual which was seen by few people. There are some people, who already tried to pay me because they wanted to see it, but of course I always refused to do so."

"Why would they want to see it?" Ayako asked.

"Because, those people think that if they assist to the ceremony, it will bring luck to them. 

To be honest, the few people who assisted to it in the past, described us, as 'god who descended on Earth', but it's merely a ceremony where we make a spirit, our familiar." She said shrugging.


"I don't know, really, but tell me when the ceremony and, I'm sorry but, I can't let you film me or take photo." She said turning to Naru, and he agreed, nodding his head. "It's not I don't want to let you, but we can't let anybody pretend to be a mediator."

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