Just wants to add something [Not a chapter]

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Hi, everyone~!

I just want to add something!

First! I would like to thanks, all those, who read my story from, the start! It feels quite delightful to know that some people, are reading a story, that I started from a whim!

You know the feelings that, they are not a lot of well made fanfiction on Ghost hunt, or something like that~!

Second, I thanks those same reader that, gives me the motivation to post, new chapters! And well, it's quite easy to know, that someone is reading the new chapters, as soon as I post them! Thx you!

Anyway, for those who read the new chapter, I think you noticed the introduction of a new character!

For those, who knows who she is, then it means that you read the other fanfiction in which she is the OC.

And for those who don't know, then I can only recommend you to go read the Ghost hunt fanfiction, entitled [Ghost of a chance] written by [Weezie_24]!

It's one of the best... No! The best Ghost hunt fanfiction, I've read before!

And, I really like the character of Hitomi and her background is very well made!

So, it made me want to include her, into my own story! Of course, I was allowed to use Hitomi, in my story, by the author themselves. It means that I did not stole her, and actually have the permission to use her!

I wanted to say this, because I want to give the credits of the character of [Matsumoto Hitomi] to her owner, creator, and author!

In fact, all pictures I used before in previous chapters and my others stories, aren't mine. I only borrowed them and doesn't claim them as mine.

It may be true that I take inspiration from several things, but I don't steal them either and claim them and the credits from them.

So pleae, keep in your mind to only borrow, not stole ; and if you ever want to use another author's characters or elements, then be sure to be allowed to!

That's all for me!

[Fun fact!

Shirato Yuki from my story [Foreshadow]

Shirato Carys from [Beautiful Temptation]

Nanase Hiroaki from [Polaris]

And finally, Kudo Mizuki from [Miss Watson], are all asexual characters!

Well, for those who actually read [Beautiful Temptation], you will maybe says, that Carys is not asexual bcs she shows, some interest toward Shu, and blah blah—

True, I made her shows interests in Shu, but please be aware that, she is also a human being like me the author and you, the readers!

I don't know the percentage of asexual people in societies or other countries, and honestly don't want to know, bcs it doesn't matter. Some, may not even know whst an asexual is, and some may not even know that they are asexual.

The only way to know, is to do some research and find informations. Thing that is actually hard, bcs of diverse reasons.

I'm talking about that, bcs I actually read some comments posted on other authors' stories. And let just say that, it was not pleasant and quite hurtful to read these types of comments.

Those who wrote these comments may be some people that believe that the LGBTQ+ community is bad and is composed of sinful people. Well that's an extreme thoughts... Sorry!

Anyway! I would like to remind you that sexuality is not a choice. It happens just like that, and nothing can change it!

I'm writing all these things because I would like to remind people that, we may all be different, it doesn't change the fact that we are all hunans.

I'm not encouraging people to acknowledge what I'm saying, bcs I'm well aware that some peope are not out of the 'closet' or are affraid to because of their circumstances.

I honestly don't know why, I'm talking about these, so suddenly... Perhaps, all on my whim?

Anyway, don't judge the book by its cover, and start learning to know people, before criticising them blindly and hurt them in the process!

Love ya~]

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