Forbidden Pastime [part 1]

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In the SPR office, everything went as usually, or it would seem to be the case.

Mai, was found sighing in front of the third page of the newspaper, on which announced in bold headline, was written: '35 students Suffer Mass Hysteria.'

From what it was written from, the incident occurred in a public high school and began with the complaint of a student. It would seem that the said student was bitten by a black dog in the middle of a class. The weird thing was, that the dog could not be seen with naked eyes.

As she sighed, Chiaki raised her head from her book, and looked questioningly at Mai.

As a reminder, Kasai Chiaki, is the senior high school student involved in a previous case, and was allowed to undergo a training with SPR investigators. 

"What happened, Mai? Is there something wrong?" At her question, Mai showed her the article, in which she took interest in.

As the two, were talking about this article, they couldn't help but notice that, in a span of one month, that particular high school, several peculiar accidents occurred. Specifically four incidents, and all of them were covered by and appeared on the news.

The first incident was a case of mass absenteeism. It started with all the girls of one same class that claimed that there were ghosts, and because of that, they refused to attend school.

The second one, was a case of mass poisoning. All students of a class, suddenly felt nauseous and unwell. The first conclusion was food poisoning, but it was proved to be wrong. The real reason is still unknown.

At that Chiaki, rolled her eyes.

The third incident was the case of a fire that started in the locker room. They supposed that there was an arsonist, but the teachers took turns to catch the culprit, but nobody was caught. And the fires, still continued.

Fourth, was about an exorcism after a student committed a suicide, nine months earlier. The exorcism took place, because they believed that it was the spirit of that student that was haunting the school. Though, the teachers stopped them, and it ended in a fight.

"I think that Shiro could tell us more about that case of suicide. She attended the funerals of that student." Mai said unsure, while she was cutting the article. 

"Is that so? Though, it is the fifth incident?" She asked Mai, but a voice spoke from behind them. When they turned around, they saw it was Yuuko who talked.

Takahashi Yuuko, Chiaki's under classman, another student involved in a previous case. She was allowed to have some odd jobs in the SPR office.

"What fifth incident?" Yuuko asked.

Chiaki answered showing the clippings that Mai cut to Yuuko. "Ryokuryou High School, another incident occurred there."

After the three girls argued for a short time, Taka or Yuuko, added something that shocked Chiaki and Mai.

"However, boss is not interested. Such huge incident is an opportunity to make us famous overnight.

"... Why is that?" Mai asked, furrowing her eyebrows and confusion showing on her face.

"Ah? Haven't you heard from boss?" Yuuko asked back with a tilt of her head.

In response, Mai shook her head along with Chiaki.

"He came yesterday— The principal of Ryokuryou High School." She said shortly, and she then laughed. "The fact is, our company is famous within the education community. Just look at it: haven't we solved cases in both my school and yours? Therefore, he came with his request.

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