Imagine : a soul gone

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This one was requested by @phiqqr, hope it's good. :))
Y/N- Your Name

Relationship: lovers

Warnings: none

Location: Clemens Point

It had been a quiet day around the camp, everyone was doing their thing while I do mine....which happened to be helping Pearson out a bit in the camp kitchen area.

"Hey y/n can you pass me the carrots?" Pearson pointed to them from where he was

"Yea sure" I reached over to grab the carrots passing them to him

"You're all done for the day, thanks for the help" Pearson dismissed me, thank god after spending the day in there.

In the near distance I hear the all familiar Irish man, Sean himself. Sean and I were good friends, we grew closer after he got rescued from Blackwater. Although Karen would give me the looks I could care less.

"Ah y/n there you are" Sean locks eyes with me making his way over

"Hello there" I laugh to myself at his little stumble he had to stop himself

"I was er going into that town, me and Bill and Micah  gon be there, wanna come along?" Bill and I always butted heads, he would start an argument then it would get out of hand.

"It's ok I'll pass on that one, but thank you for the offer, be safe please Sean don't cause a scene" I give him a smile as he walks off

"Alrighty then, I'll see you later tonight then" he gives me his cheeky smile as he mounts his horse as Bill and Micah follow him to Rhodes.

"Well I better go as well" I hear Arthur say behind me, I stop him in his tracks

"Please promise me he doesn't do anything stupid Arthur, I need him back alive" I laugh a bit, "I don't need what happened in Blackwater to happen to him again but in Rhodes with this Greys business" I look him in the eye

"I promise you y/n he'll come back, anything he tries stupid I'll bring him right back" he hugs me and sets off on his horse to catch up to the boys.

I sit by the fire on a wooden stump zoning off, I didn't notice that Javier had sat himself down beside me. I turn towards him noticing no guitar.

"No guitar I see?" I raise an eyebrow

"No Hermosa, I noticed you looked a bit stressed so I came to talk" he gives me that smile that just made my heart melt,

"Ah it's nothing just me worrying about Sean that's all, you know how he is, does stupid shit and lands himself in trouble. I mean he's got Arthur there to help him but if-" Javier places his hand on my leg to calm me.

"Y/n relax, he'll be fine" he gets up and places a kiss on my forehead. "Come oh let's get something to eat. Pearson has his stew ready" I follow him ti grab a serving

When I rode into Rhodes it seemed more quiet than usual. I didn't have a good feeling about this but I met up with Sean and bill and Micah by the bank.

"What exactly are we doing here?" I ask as Micah chirps in

"We meeting a couple of the grays over by the saloon, they spoke to bill about a job...needing security" Micah explained

We walked down the dirt road of Rhodes towards the saloon, it was quiet...too quiet

"Hold on...something don't feel right" I think explain

"You're telling me" Sean cuts in turning around

That's when it happened, the bullet fired from one of the grays had taken Sean out. Shock took over me as I stood there. I had to hide quickly before anyone else could die

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now