Imagine: Jealosly

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Y/N- Your name
Y/H/N- your horses name

Location: Horseshoe Overlook

(In this imagine Javier and you are best friends)

I sat by the fire staring into the wilderness, it was nice and quiet because most of the boys were out doing stuff, so all that were left was mainly the girls, 

"Y/N" I heard Mrs Grimshaw calling my name i rolled my eyes and got up, "Yes Mrs Grimshaw" I put on a fake smile, "I need you to clean the horses please theres not a lot since the boys took too many" She smiled and left,  the first horse I did was mine Y/H/N he/she was mine from the start, before I joined the gang and I was living with my parents on a farm one of the horses gave birth to a foal which is the one I've got now, before my dad went crazy he gave me him/her as a gift for my birthday, he/she has been by my side since I fled the farm and joined Dutch's Gang.

"Hey there beautiful/handsome" I rub his/her neck and start grooming it and I moved on to other horses, I didn't hear anyone ride back to camp but I heard someone whistling (wolf whistle) , I turned to see Arthur Morgan, I blushed slightly as he came closer "Hello Y/N" he smirked, "Well hello Arthur" I avoided eye contact with him, I never really had feeling for Arthur if I did it was for a short time but I had feeling for my best friend...Javier, but He was always friend-zoning me sO i guess he never felt the same, anyway back to reality

"why you cleanin the horses" he pointed around, "Mrs Grimshaw wanted me to, I didn't notice Javier getting off his horse at all when Arthur leant in and whispered in my ear, "I hate her sometimes but other times she amazing" He stood up straight and laughed so did I, when he left Javier came rushing over to me looking mad, "What was that?!" He pointed at Arthur, "What was what?" I asked confused with him not buying it, "Don't play dumb with me Y/N" His accent coming out really strong at this point, "We were Just talking" I started getting annoyed, "yeah with him whispering sweet nothings into your ear" I couldn't tell why he was being like this, "SO what if he did why does it matter to you anyway" I walked away, "No Y/N please wait I'm Sorry" He ran up to me, "Try again in a few hours" I went to my tent and sat down and started thinking, what if he was Jealous? But why? He doesn't like me why would he get Jealous over Arthur and I talking? 

a few hours passed because I noticed an impatient Javier waiting outside my tent, "Come in" I tell him, he rushes in and sits, "I'm so so sorry Y/N I don't know what came over me" he looked sad you could tell by his eyes, "Were you Jealous or something?" I ask him he looks down then up at me again, "Listen, Yes I was Jealous but.." He stopped talking, "But what" I rested my hand on his hand, he looks at it then at me, "I was Jealous because, Because I like you not just as a best friend but more than that" he looked at me for a reaction I obviously took my time because he sighed and stood up to leave thats when it hit me, "Javier" I called he turned around, I gave him a kiss, he wraps his arms around my waist while my hands are resting/ cupping his cheeks, we take a breath, "I like you too" I whisper to him, He kisses me again, "Perfect" He smiles and leaves my tent leaving me happy

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now