Imagine-The enemy?

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Requested by XxBlu3GirlxX

Y/N- your name
Y/H/N- your horses name

Relationship- Strangers
Warning- None

Location- Valentine/Coulter

It was a long week, and I mean a long week. First getting robbed by some O'Driscolls then one of my horses dying because it got shot by something. I just needed something to drink.

The Moon was well into the sky with the stars lighting the night sky. I ended up Breaking in a stallion, he was a Grullo Dun Mustang. The night was cold as I was riding into Valentine. As I approached closer to Valentine the smell of sheep flew right in my face, it wasn't a pleasant smell. I pulled Y/H/N into a slow trot and made my way to a saloon.

I put Y/H/N next to the beautiful Grey American paint, he was stunning. I walked right up to the saloon door and all I could hear was shouting. I shrugged it off and pushed the doors open and ignored the stares I was getting. As I made my way up to the bar a guy came up to me. "Hey let me buy you a drink." His Mexican accent came through.

"No, But thanks for offering." I looked at him then nodded and looked back at the bartender, "can I get a whiskey." I put 50c on the bar table.

"well at least let me give you some uh company, guys round here ain't so nice especially when a lady like you are alone ." He looked straight into my eyes, it was like he was staring into my soul, those dark brown eyes. I thought about it.

"sure." I gave in. I got my whiskey and we sat down at a table with our drinks.

"I'm Javier." He held out his hand for me to shake mine, I grabbed his hand.

"Breeze." I said back to him and shook his hand, "are you from around here?" I asked him

"Yes but not exactly." He took a sip

"Explain." I wanted to know more about this man

"Well I was born and raised for most of my life in Mexico, long story short I ran away and I found my way into the states and into a gang." I gave him a look

"Gang?" I asked again

"It's not like those O'Driscolls or those other gangs out there, ours is more like a uh family." He gave me a smile.

"Interesting." I sculled down my bottle of whiskey, I ordered more. I told him about my life story and how I ended up alone. After a few drinks I started feeling light headed, I always got drunk more easily then other people. I started doing stuff and saying stuff I wouldn't normally say. lets just say I got a little rowdy.

"Breeze stop, Breeze." Javier said while pulling me off the top of the table. I felt myself black out.

Javiers POV

"Breeze stop, Breeze." I told her whilst pulling her off the table before she stripped in front of everyone. As soon as I pulled her down she blacked out. "Great." I said to myself, well I couldn't just leave her here. If I brought her back with me what would Dutch say? It's only one night though so I'll bring her up to Coulter with me then return her back here in the morning.

I stepped outside the saloon to put her onto Boaz, It must've been her horse next to mine because the horse tried going over to her. May as well bring her horse as well.

"Oh Breeze what will you do in the morning when you find yourself up in the mountains." I said quietly.

--Time skip:In coulter--

I arrived at Coulter, luckily everyone was asleep, that's what I thought.

"Javier who is this?" Charles came up to me

"I'll explain later." I quickly grabbed her off of Boaz, "can you hitch her horse up please thank you." I said while figuring out where to put her, everywhere was taken but I had room with me so I brought her to my room. I put her into the bed with me and gave her a blanket well I put it on her. I fell asleep when I laid down

Breeze's POV

I woke up in the freezing cold, where am I? I thought to myself. I look around and see this wooden cabin type of thing, I look next to me and see Javier? I quickly got out of bed. As I got out he woke up.

"What am I doing here?" I asked him scared

"You were-" I cut him off

"Did you do something with me last night when you laid me down?" I asked more seriously.

"No I-" I cut him off again

"Are you gonna kill me? This happened last time something like this happened, Are you one of them O'Driscolls? you are aren't you?" I started getting scared and having a panic attack.

"No if you let me finish!" he yelled but kept his voice down, "You were drunk last night and I didn't know where to put you so I brought you back here." He explained but how did I know if he wasn't lying, I had bad trust issues

"How do I know you're not lying? I've had a lot of enemies like you." I said dead straight.

"I'm not one of your enemies Breeze!" He came closer

"Don't come any closer I'm telling you!" I stepped back

"If I were one of your enemies I would've killed you by now, I would've done bad things to you but I haven't have I? No, so just trust me I'm not an enemy and I was only trying to help last night ok." He came a little closer to me.

"Ok then, but I do need to get back down in Valentine, I left Y/H/N there." I was heading for the door

"Your horse is already here I brought him up." I turn and see Javier with a smile on his face

"Thank you Javier." I turn back and open the door

"Wait Breeze do you want me to bring you down to Valentine?" he asked me

"Uh only if you want." He smiled at me and walked beside me, we got to out horses and mounted them. The cold air smashed into our faces, the long snow plains ahead of us. We rode through the thick snow until we got to grass.

"I think I know my way from here." I said to Javier

"Are you sure?" He asked me concerned

"Yes, and I want to thank you for helping me last night and I'm sorry that I didn't believe you and thought you were an enemy." I said all at once

"It's ok." He leaned over on his horse over to me and gave me a hug, "good luck on your travels I hope to see you again." He said into my neck

"I hope so too." I let go of his embrace and rode off. What a night

@XxBlu3GirlxX I hope u liked it

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now