Requested- Panic at the camp

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Y/N- your name

Y/H/N- your horses name

Relationship- Dating

warnings- none

Location- Shady Belle

Requested by captain_ouat_swan_

Being pregnant had its ups and downs, ups being I was bringing new life into the world and the downs would be the contractions. As it was approaching closer to the day this baby would arrive everyone became more aware of where I was. Not that they did before. 


"Mi amor I will be back later I have to go deal with uh business." I heard Javier say whilst giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Ok." I replied barley awake. I felt his presence leave my side..I felt lonely without him but my other friend that keeps me company is Charles. I manage to get up, my back ached like hell but I needed food.

Walking out the tent I felt the contractions come, but they were worse than before. I grab the nearest pole as my contractions hit me. "Y/N, are you ok?" I had Charles say to me as he ran to me

"DO I look ok?!" I say while trying my best to not scream from this torture.

"Sorry." he held his hands up in surrender or something while taking a step back.

"No I'm sorry my emotions are getting the best of me." I manage to say while the contractions ease for now. Charles helped me walk to Pearsons stew and I grabbed the coffee that was beside it.

"You know Javier should be doing this." Charles says quietly

"I know but all that stuff he has to do, He is always away." I sit down on the log by the fire and stare into it. I hope this baby comes soon, I'm done dealing with the pain but I've got more to come later birthing this child. As I was thinking I felt something wet and coldish run down my leg. I curse under my breath. The contractions start coming in. "Charles, Charles." I grab his shoulder in pain. He turns quickly.

"What, whats wrong tell me!" He had worry look all over his face.

"Baby, Coming." I try and say, as the contraction goes. "water broke." I breathe out

"I'll go get Javier." He says slowly getting up and leading me to my bed in the tent

"No stay I need someone." I begged him

"Arthur go find Javier, bring him back and say the baby is coming." Charles yells over to Arthur and with that Arthur was gone and then Mrs Grimshaw came running in.

"Y/N breath it's gonna be ok." She reassured me, I nodded in pain

Javiers POV

After dealing with those O'Driscolls that managed to find themselves down in Lemoyne was a bit strange, cause usually you'd see the Lemoyne Raiders instead, just means Colms around. I mount Boaz , and I start heading to the fields to get some deer. 

The field I arrive at was endless but with trees, it was close to Rhodes but hopefully there were deer around. It always seems to be when I don't want to hunt  theres thousands of animals but when I do hunt theres barley any, so lets hope theres some here. As I was about to pull out my bow I hear a voice in the background.

"JAVIER!" it sounded like Arthurs. "JAVIER ESCUELLA!" I hear it again and I turn around to see Arthur.

"What Arthur." I say annoyed

"Its Y/N, The baby is coming." The BABY OH LORD ITS COMING. I start panicking. "Don't just stand there you idiot get on your horse and get back to camp." Arthur demands.

"I didn't expect it today." My voice all shaky and nervous

"Well neither did she." Arthur quietly laughs to himself


I was sweating like mad, almost a full on waterfall coming out of my head I was sweating that much. "Wheres Javier, I wont push till he's here!" I yelled

"I don't know where he is honey, but you need to push now." Mrs Grimshaw demands. I heard horses coming back into camp, praying one of them being Javier. I first saw Arthur, I felt my heart drop until I saw Javier basically fall off of Boaz, pick himself up and run over to the tent I was at.

"Mi Amor, Mi Amor, lo siento." He said to me sitting on the chair beside the bed and hold me hand. He kisses my cheek and tells me to push.

"You're doing great sweetie." he reassured me. 

I pushed and pushed, it felt like hell, it felt like I was gonna die. it was hot because of being near the swamps and all the sweat. My breathing grew faster and faster each time. It felt like forever until cries filled the air. I felt weak and tired.

"Javier come help." Mrs Grimshaw called him over. I laid on the bed weak not able to really move. 

"Congrats on your new baby B/G (Baby gender)." Mrs Grimshaw said handing him/her to Javier which he walked over to me and sat on the chair.

"Welcome to the world little one." Javier cooed at the baby and gave it a kiss on the forehead, I sat up as he handed the baby to me, he/she is gorgeous  I thought to myself. i cried a bit but worth it.

"You've done well my love." Javier kissed me

"You mean we've done well." I looked into his eyes as he smiled.

"I'll give you some space come out when you're ready." Mrs Grimshaw said as she left the tent

We were ready for all the sleepless nights ahead of us, but it'd be worth it in the end

@captain_ouat_swan_  Hope you liked it

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