Imagine- you can't fool me

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Y/N: Your name

Relationship: Lovers

Warnings: none

Location: Horseshoe Overlook

It was the night of the party of Sean's arrival after he was stuck in Blackwater with bounty hunters. I sat around the campfire taking in the warmth as it was quite chilly. Javier had his guitar strumming along whilst everyone sings along to the song.

I make my way over to Javier who gives me a loving look and a soft smile as I walk closer.

"Hello beautiful", he says as I lean down and give him a kiss

"Hello Javi" I smile at him, "do you want anything to drink?" I ask

"That would be lovely" his voice soft and low for only I could hear.

I make my way over to where the drinks are only to see Keiran cleaning, poor guy,

"You know you join us Keiran, relax a little" I look up at him and give him a smile.

"Uh I'm all good...maybe later" he voice all shaky

"Are you ok?" I ask him, he sensed nervous around me a lot but no other one.

"Y-yea I'm fine-"

"Mi Amor what's taking so long" Javier says as he wraps his arms around my waist...he's jealous

"I was just talking with Keiran" I lower my voice as I give a look to Keiran and not noticing Javier glares at him.

"Why don't you go sit down I'll meet you down by the fire" he spins me around and gives me a kiss before I could say anything...rough and slow but filled with passion, I could feel Javiers grip tighten against my waist pulling me closer till there was no space between our bodies. How jealous can he get?

After we brake the kiss he gave me the signal to leave, I looked over at Keiran once more who clearly looked uncomfortable with what he just had to go through.

As Y/N left I moved closer near the O'Driscoll. I didn't trust him especially around Y/N.

"You're not trying to get with MY woman are you?" I asked sternly getting straight to the point making sure my voice is lowered so no one else can hear.

"No of course not mister" he had backed away a little obviously intimidated.

"I sure hope you aren't lying there, take this as a try anything with her and you wish you wouldn't have stepped foot near me or her you got that O'Driscoll she's mine", I clearly stated to him, I didn't want him near her not knowing what he can do...and I don't wanna find out

"Ok ok I understand but I wasn't trying anything I-it was just a normal conversation" he was a  stuttering mess

"You may have most of the camp here fooled but you can't fool me" I say as I walk away glaring at him. I make my way over to Y/N and hold her hand to pull her over to a private place.

Javier pulled me by my hand to a more private place, but why?

"Javi what'd you do to him" I look him in his eyes, the moonlight glowing on him

"Nothing bad just a warning that's all, telling him you're all mine no one else's" he pulls me in by the waist and kisses me, slow but not to rough, it was more with love and care this time no jealousy to be found within the kiss. His hands hold me securely and pulling me in making sure there's no space between us, I wrap my arms around his neck. I think for a moment about what keiran would've thought...but then again he was an outsider slowly being welcomed in over time. I pull away from Javier and look into his eyes.

"Javi I'm gonna head off" I give him a smile and let go of his hands.

"Is this because of the O'Driscoll?" He says whispering so I could only hear

"No Javier, I'm tired ok I'll see you in the tent", I kiss his lips and head off to bed. Only the days will tell how Keiran will survive with this gang especially Dutch

Words: 746

Hello people yes it's been almost a year since the last update...I kinda forgot to update and forgot this existed BUT hopefully more updates will happen soon, please feel free to leave ideas for story updates :)

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