Imagine: 8 Letters

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Y/N- Your name
Y/H/N- your horse's name 

Relationship: Very very close friends
Warning- None

Location: Shady Belle

Dutch's build up to the bank heist of Saint Denis was getting closer to finishing. They were close to finishing up the plan. Hosea wasn't too keen on the idea of robbing a bank with a lot of police around. 

I was sitting up on the balcony with Dutch and Hosea arguing about the bank heist. "Listen both of you, if this plan goes the way it is we get enough money and run off to Tahiti." Dutch's voice was stern.
"Dutch this doesn't feel right honestly, we've lost Sean and pretty sure we're gonna lose more people." I try telling him, I look at Hosea who is nodding his head. 
"She's right Dutch." Hosea said it trying not to set off Dutch.
"I-" Dutch cut me off when he saw Arthur

"Arthur come up here" He called him over
"Who's going Dutch?" I ask disappointed knowing I've lost.
"Well, John, Abigail she'll be a distraction, Lenny, Bill, Javier, Micah and Hosea if he decides to come along, maybe a few more people not sure." When Dutch finished Arthur barged through the doors. "yes Dutch?" He looked all scruffy

After Dutch explained and Arthur agreed I left in a huff and barged pass Arthur who probably looked at me confused. I heard Dutch yell from the Balcony, "Get ready boys and Girls we're going on a little trip to Saint Denis." He laughed after it, I scoffed at it and went to find Javier I saw him all suited up.

"Why are you going?" I ask him not wanting him to go incase anything went wrong.
"Mi Querido, I'm sorry but Dutch wanted me to go." HE looked at me with his dark brown eyes staring into mine.
"What if something went wrong then I wouldn't have such a best friend to talk to." I pouted at him
"I'll be ok" As he said that he pulled me away to a tree. 

"What are you doing?" I look up at him 

"If anything does happen." He paused and looked around, "I..I love you." I tried reading his expressions, I was shocked on what he said. He looked concerned or worried on what he just said. I pulled him to me giving him a massive hug and so I could whisper in his ear. 

"I love you to." I heard him chuckle a bit, once we pulled away I could see his face red.

"Please be safe." I tell him, "If anything happens find a way out and come right back." I felt a tear weal up in my eye knowing Dutch's plans we never really a success and this one I had a feeling it wasn't gonna work.

"I'll try." He pulls me into a hug before he leaves to go mount Boaz and go rob the bank of Saint Denis. 


Hope you enjoyed that imagine. 8 Letters meant "I love you" So yeah

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now