Imagine: Lost without you

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Y/N: Your Name

Relationship: lovers

Warnings: sad

Location: Shady Belle/ Lakay

Dutch had gone through with his plan to rob the bank in Saint Dennis...that's his first mistake knowing it won't end well. He decided to take most of the boys such as Lenny, Hosea, Charles, Arthur, Micah, Bill, Charles and Javier.

Minutes and hours go by while we wait anxiously for their return from Saint Dennis. The sun started going down and we started getting worried.

"Where are they?" Tilly said pacing around

"They'll return" I turned to look at her, "they always find a way" I gave her a soft smile

We started getting ready to call it a night when there were sounds of a horse coming closer. Eagerly I went over to see who it was...Charles! I raced over to him pulling him into a hug.

"Oh Charles I got so worried about you all, are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked him looking into his eyes, I noticed something was off. "Where are the others?" I looked behind him in hopes to see the others riding in with their prize money..but no sight in seeing them.

"Y/N, I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know where they've ended up. All I know is that I helped them get away, after the bank everything went down hill, we had Pinkertons shooting at us, John got arrested, Abigail she got away, Hosea he uh he didn't make it neither did Lenny" my heart dropped hearing that Hosea and Lenny were taken down by the Pinkertons. "They we're patrolling the whole of Saint Dennis to find us, we waited till it got darker to make our escape and when we found a way I sacrificed myself and led the Pinkertons waiting in that spot away so the rest could escape on a boat to god knows where". I felt tears fall down my cheeks

"Oh Charles" I hugged him and held him close, I'm sorry to hear that" I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. "Let's get you inside". I pull him along

"We need to get out of here sometime tomorrow because the Pinkertons wouldn't be far behind" I nodded to his response.

After everyone went to bed I laid in bed awake, thinking of Javier, is he ok? Where is he? These thoughts kept me up.

-Time slip to next day-

We started packing up our things as we got up, I helped set the horses up ready to go,

"How you doing buddy" I said as I stroked the horses neck

"Y/N is those horses ready?!" I hear Ms Grimshaw yell from the house

"Y-Yes" I stutter as tears brim in my eyes from the thought of moving and Javier or the rest of em not knowing where we were or if they were even alive.  I didn't want to think that they were gone forever but that thought I was starting to slowly agree with.

That stupid bank robbery landed us here in Guarma, not the place where I want to be especially with Micah around. I just wanted to see Y/N I miss her. But no Dutch's plan landed us here somewhere on an Island near Cuba.

The boat had hit rough seas and ended up catching fire and we went overboard, I don't know where Arthur went because he never left with us on the boat I think he was still on the boat.

"Look I know we are stranded on an Island" Dutch started saying

"Thanks for stating the obvious" I snap back at him

"Now calm down, we are all confused and upset, but we need to look at the positives of this" He tried putting on a smile

"What positives Dutch, we are stranded on an island, no food, no shelter, our clothes are basically ruined and this was all because of your plan to rob a bank in a city full of police and for it to take two lives from us and you saw John get taken away but you did just watched when you could've saved him and now someone has to get him out if we or they even get the chance, don't you see Dutch there are no positives". I explain annoyed to him

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now