Preference: How he shows Affection or Jealousy

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- while you are doing something or standing there he would come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist kissing your neck

- will hold your hand at any time 

- show you off to the others while kissing you cheek
"Hey Amigos watch this" he turned and kissed your cheek, "This Girl is all mine" He holds you close

- hugs you at random times


- if he saw another man talking and getting close to you he'd come behind and wrap his arms around your waist kissing your neck and nibbling softly on your ear and looking up at the person
"sorry Amigo but she's all mine" 

-punching anyone who got wayy too close you you or threatening them 

- since Micah liked you but never showed it but Javier could tell, every time Micah got to close Javier would come by
"You wish" and he'd kiss you passionately right in front of him, 

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now