Imagine: Left to die

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Y/N- Your name
Y/H/N- your horses name

Location: Scarlett Meadows

Me, Javier, John, Sadie, Charles and Arthur were going for a ride around Scarlett Meadows scouting  the Area for any suspicious activity, I came across a dead body I dismounted and inspected the body, "O'Driscoll's" I mumble under my breath, "Keep alert O'Driscoll's are around here" I got back onto my horse, Javier moves his horse closer to mine, "If anything happens go back to camp" he whispers in a voice I could only hear, I look at him, "I will kill any O'Driscoll that I see ok" I say to him, but he shakes his head, "No Love, If it gets to hectic  and the other members can't take it, I will fend them off and you go back to camp you got me?" he looks at me dead serious, "Javier no you know I can't do that" I started tearing up, "No you can and you will do that for me" He kissed my hand, 

about a few minutes of looking around we hear "Well look who we have here, 5 members of the Van Der Linde Gang" Dam O'Driscoll's I got my gun out and started shooting i got off my horse and fleed him/her away for now, I hid behind a rock and shot at the O'Driscoll's after a few minutes of shooting I hear a "AH FCK" Javier's accent stood out at that point I race over to him, He'd been shot in the shoulder, "no, no, no" I say while tears streaming down my face "Guys cover for me" I yells crying "hey look at me" Javier grabs my face while I'm panicking I look at him "Go back to camp now, I love you" he kisses me, "Jav I can't do it I can't leave you here to die" I cry, "I'll make it back And if I don't I'll be here with you" He points to my heart, "I would watch over you" He starts to cry but not a lot while I'm sobbing, "P-P-Please make it back" I kiss him and leave the others knew but instead of going back to camp we hid behind some trees, The O'Driscoll's seemed to go after we left knowing Javier wouldn't make it, when they left he laid on the floor I ran over to him, his eyes closed very slow breathing, "Please wake up" I say while my voice is shaky, tears flowing down, "Please" I whisper, his breathing goes more quieter as i scan his body I see another bullet wound in his stomach, "No no no Javier please wake up" I turn to the others "GO GET HELP" I yell as the boys run off and Sadie comes over to me, I lay next to him, Holding him in my arms while I hear his breathing getting more slower and quieter, 

By the time the boys had returned with Dutch he raced over to see Javier dying and he looked at me, "Y/N we can't do much" He looks over at me bending down and places a hand on my shoulder, I look at Sadie "It's a bit too late, he's on the brink of death I'd say he's only got a few minutes maybe seconds" I look back down at Javier and I listen close and I don't hear anything from him, I broke down sobbing hard and loud, crying into Sadie's shoulder, "I've lost him" I cried, "I know, I know honey" She held me tight, when I let go I hugged Javier and asked everyone for space so they left to there horses and stood there "Oh Javier, thank you for everything and I mean it" I cried in between, " What am I without you, I'm nobody, and there was so much life left in you" I went on with my speech to him and Charles and John walked over, "Lets go Bury him" John said to me as they picked up Javier and gently carried him

a few weeks went by, it was lonely, all the memories with him, he made the day better he'd cheer you up but now he was gone thanks to the O'Driscoll's, you had an idea and marched over to Dutch angry upset all the emotions, "Dutch" he looked at me "yes?" He walked over, "we are going to go kill Colm right NOW, ever since his boys left my lover to die I've been plotting my revenge" I was angry, "Y/N they killed Abigail my Lover, Colm KILLED HER" He yelled, "Then why haven't we killed him yet huh?!" the memories of Javier's death came back flowing into my mind causing me to tear up, "We will kill him and his boys one day but not now alright" he went back into his tent while I wandered back into the tent well my tent and Javier's stuff was still here which No one else could touch but me

So idk what made me write a sad one but there you have it

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now