Imagine: hidden feelings

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Requested by: @DawnHoward609

Y/n: your name

Relationship: friends

Warnings: none

Location: horseshoe overlook

Javiers POV
Look into my eyes,
You will see,
what you mean to me,

I liked her for quite a while..but Arthur got her before I could. She looked happy with him, something I wish I could do for her..make her happy.

I've known her ever since she came to us in colter you in the Grizzlies, I took care of her not Arthur.

I've seen ways that Arthur treats her, hes not the affection type of guy even though he tries to show it..I could give her the attention she wants, I could be the one but no I can't.


I wondered around camp deep in thought, thinking did I get myself into a good relationship, of course I did. Arthur made me happy as I could be.

Since Arthur was out I went to see Javier, he's my closest friend that I've got. We tell each other's deepest things that we haven't told anyone else really. Our memorable moments.
Ever since I got with Arthur he's changed, he tries to avoid me when he can but why?

"Hey Javier", I say to him walking towards the camp fire where he sat on the floor strumming his guitar. He looks up and nods acknowledging my presence.

"Javier please speak to me you've been avoiding me", he looked at me, he looked upset.

"It's nothing really..just a lot on my..mind", he paused near the end, he went back to strumming his guitar.

"Javier seriously what's wrong you're never like this", I became more concerned.

"You won't understand Y/N...just go see Arthur", he got up and left, his tone went cold and bitter when he saw Arthur walk into camp

"Hey Javier", Arthur greeted him, Javier just pushed past him into the woods.

What did I do? Was it because I was with Arthur? I need to know

"What's up with Javier?", Arthur comes towards me and says as he pulls me into a hug trying to be affectionate.

"I don't know what's wrong with him but I'm going to find out", I say looking over towards where Javier left.

"I think I may know what it's about", Arthur says as he places a kiss on my forehead

"What is it", I say eager to know,

"I'm not going to say incase I'm's up to him to tell you". He let's go of me and goes to chop wood and do other chores around camp.


My heart ached, I wanted her to be mine but I tried too late. She's gone with Arthur. I had to look on the bright side, i still got her as a..Friend. I have to support her and Arthur.

I would do anything for her, fight for her, lie for her, die for her, everything I do is for her but she can't see that.

As I'm about to drift off I hear leaves and twigs cracking coming closer. Knowing the sound it's probably Y/N.

"Javier", she sounded so quiet. I turned to face her.

"Y/N", I say back to her trying not to sound all sad.

"What's wrong please tell me I'm your best friend"...'best friend' ouch.

"I've told you before, I have a lot on my mind ok I don't need you coming up to me asking what's wrong even though it's a nice gesture to do. I just want you to go be with Arthur he makes you happy, something I wish I could do in a way. Listen Y/N just go be with him and maybe leave me be for a while", I see her body limp a bit and a tear nearly coming out..way to go Javier,

"I'm sorry for bothering you I'll leave", she left in a sad way, dam I felt bad I really did but I just have to keep these feelings bottled up.

Hope you enjoyed,

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now