Imagine- Out Of Touch

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Y/N- your name
Y/H/N- your horses name

Relationship- Friends
Warning none

Location- Cumberland Forest, New Hanover

5 years ago I'd left the gang in search of safety, I noticed ever since Dutch and a few of the boys got back from Guarma something was up. Dutch had changed, he was showing a different side of him and when we had fled to Beaver Hollow that rat Micah really got into Dutch's head. He was trouble from the start, Dutch should've left him where he originally found him. But along with leaving the gang meant leaving my closest friends Javier, Arthur and Charles. I got a letter from Charles saying that Arthur had passed and that he'd moved up to Canada. With Javier I don't exactly know where he is but I'm guessing he went back down to Mexico. Javier had helped me leave the camp when no one was around, he was on guard duty at the time and his last words that I heard from him was "I'll find you one day I promise." but that was 5 years ago.

I found myself up in the Cumberland Forest in New Hanover, a little secluded area and built myself a cabin just my fitting. I had a little stable with a small pasture for my horse Y/H/N so that he/she wouldn't be tied to a post all day. I found a stray dog and I called him Marvolo he was only a puppy and now he's grown quite a lot (you can choose coat colour etc).

I was out doing the daily chores like feeding Y/H/N and Marvolo when I heard the sounds of another horse coming into my property, "hey buddy I suggest you leave this is private property." I yell out not looking because I was placing Y/H/N hay bale down.

"Oh I had a question I'm looking for someone." The stranger said approaching closer with his horse, his accent sounded familiar so I turn around. When I saw his face I froze.

"J-Javier, is that you?" I barley manage to get out, he dismounts his horse and runs to me.

"Y/N it's actually you I've been looking everywhere for you!" he pulls me into a tight hug. I start to tear up

"You kept your promise from 5 years ago." I manage to say while tears start rolling down my face. he pulls away to look at me.

"Of course I kept my promise dear." He smiles softly

"Let's go inside." he nods and hitches his horse on the post, "Marvi come" I call for Marvolo. We step inside my cabin (You can imagine what the cabin looks like). "tea or coffee?" I ask Javier as he looks around my house like a lost person.

"Oh uh just a tea please." He sits on the dining room chair and gazes over at me.

"So, Javi how'd you find me?", I ask him bringing two teas down one for him and I as I take a seat.

"Well I asked through people, first person was Charles he said you'd be in New Hanover so I came here back from Mexico to look for you because I was missing that one important person in my life, after you left the gang it got lonely and my head was all over the place. When Agent Milton found us I took Dutch's side, I regret it so bad because Micah he..he was part of the reason why Arthur is dead apart from his TB. When we were chasing them down and Dutch and Micah and all were shooting at Arthur and John I wasn't shooting directly at them, why you ask is because I remembered what Arthur had done for me and it was too late to switch sides they'd kill me if I said I'm switching because they'd never believe me." he says looking down at his feet then back to me for my reaction.

"Javier, it's not your fault its Micahs he gets into everyones head. Dutch decided to trust a guy he knew for 6+ months instead of a guy he knew for 20 odd years and he probably regretted its seeing one of his sons die." I place my hand on a Javier's knee as reassurance, he glances up and gives a small but weak smile and a slight nod. "Stay here for as long as you need there's a guest bedroom for you if you want to stay and i'm sure Y/H/N can make room for Boaz in the pasture and I'm sure Marvolo wouldn't mind some extra company." His faces brightens up

"Thanks Y/N."

Hi! it's been maybe a month or two since I've updated but here's a new chapter I'll try my best to update I just got exams coming up so yeah, Also requests are always open so feel free to send in any requests

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now