Imagine: Trouble at saloon

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Y/N- your name

Y/B/N- Your brothers name

Location: Valentine Saloon

(New one) Relationship: Boyfriend

"Y/N lets go to the saloon for a bit just to get away from camp" Javier suggests, "Sure" I put down my book and walk over to my horse and mount up, our ride was silent until i broke it, "Jav we have to look out for my brother, I heard he's around, he's a drunken fool" My voice cracks as i sadden and get mad, He killed our mum because that night he was way too drunk, "Sure Love" he gives a reassuring smile, we reach the saloon and hitch up,

I look around my Y/B/N when Javier taps me out of it, "It's ok your with me" He wraps an arm around my waist, we walk into the saloon and order a few drinks, "I will love you till the day I die my love" Javier says lifting up my chin and kisses me, "I love you so much" I whisper to him, not even 5 seconds later i hear someone loud come in, "WHat A dIsGracE iT Is HeRE" I look to see it was my brother, "we need to go" I tap his shoulder, "Ok" He responds and gets up holding my hand, "You" He points at Javier, "WHos that behind ya" I felt a lump in my throat of what I'm about to face, my brother tries to look behind Javier but Javier doesn't let him, "Back off" Javier raises his voice at him, My brother sees me, "Oh aha Y/n Y/n, Y/n" he tries to grab me, "Leave y/b/n" I say to him, "Leave y/b/n" He mimics me, Javier pushes me away and moves closer to y/b/n but leaves me in a distance where Javier can grab me if needed to, "Listen buddy I want you to leave her alone" My brother looks at him, "And who are you?" My brother smirks, "I'm Javier her boyfriend" He looks at me to him, "Who would want to date a greaser" That was the point when Javier snapped, He punched him in the face and resulted in him getting a black eye

after we left which was an hour the fight went on till y/b/n couldn't be bothered no more, I checked Javier's eye, "It should be ok baby" He kissed me, we returned back to camp and told people what happened and we didn't go out till i knew y/b/n wasn't there anymore

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now