Imagine: PhotoBooth Misahap

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Y/N- Your name

Y/H/N- your horses name

Relationship: Boyfriend

(Also new) Warnings: Sexual probably nsfw

Location: Clemens point/Saint Denis

I was finishing up my chores around the camp for the morning and went to go clean myself up, "Hey Y/N" Sadie came up to me, "hey Sadie" I turned around to her, "I think lover boy over there is having a bit of trouble with you know" She winked, I looked over at Javier who had a frustrated face but I looked down to see his member bulging through his pants, But I Didn't help him because I wanted to see what his next move would be,

--2 hours later--

"Mi Amor" I hear Javier saying walking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Let's go for a ride" He whispers in my ear, I turn around to face him, He looks down at me and pecks my lips, "Come" He holds my hand and we go to the horses, I mount up on Y/H/N and he mounts up on Boaz (His horse in the game), "So where are we going exactly" I say while not looking at him, "Saint Denis" but I cut him off before he could finish, "Jav you know I hate that place its too modern and civilised" I say giving him a sad look, "I know, but I found an interesting place there" He smiles, we reach Saint Denis and I follow him to where he was taking me,

"A photoBooth?" I look at Javier, "so I can have a picture of us together, it will be great love" He kisses my cheek, we walk in and greet the guy, "we would like a photo taken" Javier pays him, we get into position I was in front of him while he was standing behind me with his arms around my waist holding me close, he shuffles around a lot until I realised why..His member was all excited again, so I decided to be a tease and move my hips against his growing member, I heard a moan come out from his mouth, "Alright ready" The guy takes the photo and we thank him and leave, "You're such a tease" He groans from the pain it's now causing him because it's so hard, he moves closer, "I can't go anywhere now because it's so visible" He whispers in my ear with his body up against mine, he was facing me and our bodies were close close and I could feel his member up against my legs, "well who's fault is it?" I question him, "Yours, you too dam good looking" His eyes stared into mine, "well what would you like me to do about it" I whisper to him, "Fck me" He whispers seductively  in my ear making me weak in my legs, "Well we can't  do it here", "I know" He puts me in front of him while walking to the horses to cover up,

we found a hotel or well we rented a room out only for tonight, when we got into the room he locked the door and kissed me with passion, he laid me down on the bed, as he hovered over me he kisses my lips to my jawline to my neck, sucking on it making love marks, "Now everyone will know you are mine Mi Amor" He smiles and kisses down my chest, undoing my buttons from my shirt, revelling a black lace bra, He put more kisses down near them and down my stomach, I undid his shirt and things got heated from there (Sry I haven't written this stuff in a while but you'd know hoe it goes),

He laid down beside me, "That was amazing" He breathed trying to catch his breath, I nodded and laid on his chest while his arms held me tight

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now