Requested- Hunt or not

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Y/N- your name
Y/H/N- your horses name

Relationship- close friends
warning- none

Location- Clemens Point

Requested by: @Glitcher1987

Y/N Pov

After the long hot day of doing the chores around the camp, I decided to help Javier out with Boaz by removing his saddle and grooming him. As so I did, it grew later into the evening the stars glowing above in the dark sky. I didn't have the complete energy to walk back into the camp area and have dinner and go to bed, so I decided to rest by Boaz, he laid down and I laid down as well with my body curled up against his. My eyes felt heavy and wanted to close, "Goodnight Boaz." I say to him softly and I get a little grunt from him in response. Within a matter of time everything went black.

Javier's Pov

I woke up before most people in camp, I had noticed that Y/N did not return to her tent last night maybe she slept with some of the other girls. I shrugged it off and went to do the morning chores, first off being chopping the wood for the fire. The sun was rising further into the sky, song birds singing and all the big and little creatures waking from their sleep. 

As I was almost done chopping the wood, I noticed Tilly walk by, "Hey uh Tilly, have you seen Y/N around anywhere?" she looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry Javier I haven't seen her since yesterday, maybe she rode into town and stayed the night." She walked off. 

As Y/n was still on my mind I carried on with the chores, placing the wheat or flour bags down by Pearsons, brining in the water bucket. "Hey Javier leave the hay bales for someone else I need you to do a job for me." Pearson said motioning me to come forward.

"And what might that be?" I asked curiously knowing what he was about to say.

"We're low on food and I need you to go hunting, you're out best man." I wasn't surprised we had no food

"I think you mean Charles not me." I said starting to walk away

"I would but I don't see him right now so I'm asking well not asking but telling you to go hunt for us" He shooed me off.

I walked annoyed to Boaz when I saw someone curled up against his side. I quietly walk closer trying not to wake either of them up, as I stepped closer the H/C (Hair colour) and the facial features became more recognisable, it was Y/N. the were asleep under the tree near the lake (usually where Javier leaves Boaz if you've noticed), I sat down with my back leaning against the lone tree that was not very far but not too close to them. I needed to go hunting but I don't want to wake them up for the life of me, they look so peaceful just sleeping. I sat there looking at them in awe, smiling to myself from this. If I was honest I'd rather stay here and watch them then do the hunting.

This is short but I hope it's how it was supposed to be, I

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now