Imagine: Pregnancy Problems

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Y/N- Your name

Location: Shady Belle

(This will also be linked to the previous one when she was pregnant)

we've been at Shady Belle for at least two months now since no one wanted to move out yet and the pinkertons haven't found us or the O'Driscoll's yet, But ever since I found out I was Pregnant I felt sorry for this baby, If we had to stay It would grow up in a gang just like Jack but I don't want that, I want to move out with Javier probably to Mexico or somewhere else to start new.

My back has been aching for a while and I mean a few weeks, I went to speak to Abigail about it since she would know since she had Jack "Abigail is this normal for all this back pain to be happening" I sat down, "Yes, yes Just get Javier or someone to massage it for you, it helps" I nodded, "Can I tell you something or ask" She looks at me, "Sure" I gain the confidence "Are you ever gonna run away as in leave the gang?" She looks down at the floor, "One day" She looks up, "What about you" She looks sad, "Javier and I want to go before the baby is born, we don't want him or her to grown up in the gang" I look at her, "Thats a good Idea" She pats my shoulder, "Mi Linda" I hear Javier calling "Thanks Abigail for everything" I smile and she nods and I walk to Javier, "hello my princess" He holds me in his arms and kisses me, "Jav" He looks down at me, "yes" He rests his chin on my head, "My back is sore from the baby would you be able to massage it please" I say into his chest, "Anything for you my love" He holds my hand and walks over to a table and sits me down and massages my back, after a while it was a lot better

"Thank you" I turn to face him and give him a kiss, "Your welcome" He kisses back, he looks at my belly, "even the baby is starting to show" He places a hand on my stomach while the other strokes  my cheek, "I love you" we both say

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now