Imagine: First Encounter

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Y/N- Your name
Y/H/N- your horses name

Location: Clemens Point

well Being in this gang was painful so many things went wrong from time to time, either Dutch had another "Plan" that would get us into even more trouble then we already were, or someone would cause trouble in the camp. 

I Never really wore dresses, Sadie and I wore almost the exact same outfit just different colours. I walked over to my horse he/she was the only best horse I had, "Hey Y/H/N, how you doin today" I said as I walked up to her and rubbed her/his neck, when I was brushing her/him I heard a familiar voice "hello  Mi señora" I turned around to face Javier, we never spoke at all since I always thought he wasn't all that great to be around, "Uh, Hi Javier" I scratched the back of my neck, "We never really speak, and you're the only one I haven't spoken to" He leans on my horse slightly and I could tell Y/H/N wasn't gonna let it happen, "you may wanna move before he/she kicks you he/she don't like that" I laughed to myself, "well ok then" he stopped leaning on the horse "I want to take you for a ride later, I wanna get to know you Mi Señora" he moved closer, "see you then" I turned away from him back to caring for my horse, he laughed to himself probably bc I just turned away from him I heard him leave.

After I finished with my horse I went to go clean myself up a bit and tidied up my hair, I stepped out of my tent to see Javier by Boaz his horse, I walked over to him his eyes scanned my, "Eyes are up here Javier"  I laughed "Oh uh yes sorry lets go shall we" His cheeks were red with embarrassment, we rode out of Clemens Point and into the wilderness Of Lemoyne, it was around 5pm and we rode for a bit in silence before I broke it, "So what made you want to talk to me" I look at him "Well I haven't spoken to you before, I've tried but Arthur keeps getting in the way so I never got the chance until today while he was out" His voice sounded annoyed, I felt bad for him "I'm sorry I didn't realise Arthur was getting in the way" He stopped his horse, "It's ok but It's just us now while he's not here to interrupt anything, lets go to this hill" we walked out horses over and dismounted and sat on the hill watching the sun set, we cuddled but nothing else but it was an amazing night

Imagines and preferences will get longer this is just a starter, it will go


Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now